As much as he tried, Kresst could not quite maintain the sense of calm he was hoping for, so his meditation had been largely unsuccessful. Though, he expected that they would be dropping out of hyperspace sometime soon regardless in order to check what information they could glean about this supposed end of the war, if his reckoning of time was still correct. Kresst uncrossed his legs and laid back on his bed that was made far too large for himself. He did not feel as much from the rest of the galaxy, but if there was one thing he was able to sense during his meditation, it was the turmoil within his own ship. There was no living being aboard the ship that was not filled with some degree of worry or fear. He would not have been surprised if even the droid was "worried". He had to admit that the prospect of returning home after this whole affair carried a certain optimistic appeal to it, but Kresst still could not shake his doubts. Why would he have felt such intense darkness and despair come over him if the galaxy had finally came to peace. He supposed that Mevenn's theory that the clones had been somehow manipulated by the Separatists, coupled with the dark side presence on the planet, could have explained it, but Kresst still could not shake a persistent sense of dread. Was the source of it his own mind, or perhaps the minds of the others with which he was sharing the ship, or was he still feeling it from the Force itself? Regardless of what the truth might be, Kresst realized that he would be finding no answers on his own. Once they dropped out of hyperspace, they would be able to get a better sense of the situation. The only things he could influence right now were on the ship, and there was one person whose turmoil he could feel more clearly than anyone else's. [hr] The light sound of small claws tapping against the hard floor could be heard after the door to the room opened once more. Even so, Kresst was not even sure that Mevenn had yet noticed him. He politely stepped to the side to make way for one of the alarmed astromechs rolling around in the room, then stepped up close in front of Mevenn. With the way she was sitting curled up on the floor, he was actually close to head height to her for once. Kresst started right away, skipping any greetings or questioning of her feelings. She was showing them quite clearly. "I know that you are a soldier, as they were. As a soldier and a Jedi, I know you certainly prepared your mind for the possibility that you might lose some of them. Perhaps you already lost some friends in this war, but this? You could not prepare your mind for this. [i]No one[/i], could prepare their mind for this. Whatever...caused it to happen, it was not because of you. And there was nothing better you could be expected to have done."