[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/181003/b8b2065828b9d9728c5309b1e95dee54.png[/img][hr][img]https://i.postimg.cc/tJj9TkVy/source.gif[/img] [b][i]BOOK ONE: WATER[/i][/b][hr][@Polaris North][@FantasyChic][@Morose][@Nallore][hr][hr][/center][center][h1][color=10DC67]Hikaru[/color] and [color=9C3E28]Ryuu[/color][/h1][/center][hr][hr] [color=9C3E28]"There is a small village, not too far from here, it should be enough of a place for us to hopefully get some help and potentially get some new clothes. We can't keep wandering around in these prison uniforms after all... We'd draw too much attention to ourselves,"[/color] Ryuu said as a few more Fire Nation guards came after them. [color=9C3E28]"We need to move, now!"[/color] he added, before he made sure that he had a tight grip on Hikaru, the Air Bender wasn't too heavy, and he started heading in a direction away from the prison. She wasn't too thrilled at the idea of someone basically carrying her around, but she didn't exactly have much of a choice. Without her glider, she was practically useless when it came to walking at the moment. It was making her really miss her staff, and she wondered if she could ever get another one. Maybe she could try to make one? Who knew, as it literally was the only way she could at least sort of fly, sure she can jump around, but she couldn't control it that way! There wasn't much she could do about anything though, basically stuck with what was going on, and stuck having to wait. Suddenly, Ryuu had a bit of a thought, and looked at Hikaru, [color=9C3E28]"Mind if you ride on my back? If you held on it would mean that my hands would be free,"[/color] he asked her as flames shot at the group once more. [color=10DC67]"N-N-No, I don't mind it at all,"[/color] she stammered out, before he quickly moved her so that she was riding piggy back style, her arms wrapped tightly around him as Ryuu pulled out the sword that he had stolen. The flames that the guards were shooting off at them were not something to mess with, but Ryuu managed to make it so that they didn't hit him, swinging his sword around so that the flames dispersed before they even had the chance. One of the guards got a lucky shot on Yumiko, blasting her with fire right in the stomach. Enough force to send her falling backwards, and leaving her with severe burns on her body. The shot aimed at Jia Li missed, barely though, the heat of the flames just shooting by her head. Rila lucked out as well, not being hit by anything from the remaining guards. Hiroyuki on the other hand was blasted by flames, but it wasn't as bad for him as it was for Yumiko. He lucked out and only wound up with several burns on his left arm.