Regarding the soul controversy: Anyway these are the potential problems I have with the system (not all are objective): -If god souls are just large souls, and all souls decay, are all gods mortal, though long lived? -Same, but regarding heros. -What makes demi gods special then? Why couldn't you just pour a lot of soul into a gecko and make it a demi gecko? Is the process of making heros and demi gods the same, but to different extents? -When gods/demigods/heros die, why would they go to the sky of pyres? Their souls are still intact, they could exist for eons more, and they have the knowledge to tell Kathy to feck off. They can exist as ghosts forever. -At what rate do souls decay? How long can a normal ghost think clearly? An extraordinary one? -What if a god intentionally creates a spectre, a soul bound to no body but energy. Would that soul be attracted to the pyre? -On that note, what do bodies have to do with anchoring souls anyway? What sorts of bodies count? What can a soul be held in? Can you make a rock with a soul, and if the rock is never broken the soul stays in the rock forever? -Golems, I mean they don't age. Would their souls decay in their bodies? Would Kathy have sway over them? -Finite souls, and the peak soul crises, kinda seem silly and off base to me. That's a personal nitpick, so take with salt.