[center][h1][b]Zekron[/b][/h1] [hider][img]https://www.wallpaperup.com/uploads/wallpapers/2014/03/27/311517/1a9dc57e0b4424f08a2622e45032f5dd-700.jpg[/img][/hider] [hr] [h2]Interactions: None[/h2] [hr] Mentions: [@Liseran Thistle] & [@DocRock] [hr] Zekron casually stepped through the door and into the hallway beyond, albeit struggling a bit to keep up with the woman's pace due to his aged and decrepit body, which he wished he had improved more. As he walked at a respectable distance behind his new host, Zekron carefully examined every inch of the hallway, from its ceiling to its walls and floor for any signs of traps or hidden entrances into other rooms that he could come back to examine at his own leisure. But, much to the liches disdain, the only thing within that long and otherwise empty hall, were colorful arrays of those annoying lights, wreaths, and some strange looking artwork. Examining these objects as he passed by, made Zekron curious about their significance to the inhabitants of this realm. He was about to ask the woman what they meant, but decided against it. After all, it did seem like they were expected to know of their function or cultural relevance and Zekron didn't want to draw any more attention to himself than was absolutely necessary, so he kept quiet and continued to follow the odd looking woman in front of him while occasionally glancing back over his shoulder to keep an eye on the woman in foreign dress he'd seen in the shard room earlier. It could have just been a bit of paranoia left over from when he still had human emotions or simply his calculating nature taking over, but he felt like she was studying him and this place and archiving the information for later use. It made him suspicious. [/center]