[quote=@BBeast] On soul decay, I propose this: An intact and healthy body inhibits the decay of the resident soul. Stuff like divine essence and the MP invested to make Heroes heroic further reinforces souls against decay to the extent of stopping decay entirely while they are alive. Part of making an immortal species is spending MP on their ability to keep their souls together indefinitely. [i]Ad hoc[/i] solutions, such as those available to mortals, do not prevent this fraying, and self-made immortals will need to work to maintain their immortality (e.g. a lich needs to keep consuming souls so as to replenish the part of their soul which frays). [/quote] I quite like this. [quote]On the death of powerful beings, typically their death is brought about by something which weakens the being to the extent that the being is too weak to not die. At this stage, stripped of power, the being (e.g. god, hero) is likely (although not certainly) too weak to resist the Sky of Pyres.[/quote] Though I didn't say so, this was more or less what I'd imagined as the counterpoint to the Discord argument of "ghost gods" running around indefinitely. I agree. [quote]Considering the backlash to the idea of a soul crisis, I think we should ensure that we do have enough souls that natural population growth on Galbar will never deplete the reservoir. In this case, the limited number of souls only becomes an issue if someone attempts to horde billions of souls or the souls stop being recycled, that is, if IC events intentionally try to create a soul crisis. If Cyclone is wise he won't personally instigate a soul crisis. Leave that to the gods whose goals are to consume all of reality (*cough* Anzillu *cough*).[/quote] In case I haven't been clear (EDIT: In hindsight, I haven't been. My bad!), I figured this to be a given. The Architect would have brought in enough souls (by his estimation) to sustain life, and as animals etc. also have souls, it stands to reason that the rise of civilization and intelligent mortals will coincide with a decline of wildlife, thus keeping the souls in balance here. The idea of a soul crisis is why Katharsos is said to oppose the "sequestering" of souls. So all of what you said lines up nicely with how I'd imagined things and I have no objections there. Thank you for your input, BBeast. I bestow a chocolate-chip CyCookie to thee. [hider][img]https://images-gmi-pmc.edge-generalmills.com/8012d5ca-eb39-4901-91a0-0bdddec883b8.jpg[/img] Many equations are baked into it, and consuming it will over make your mastery over physics and chemistry even more powerful![/hider]