[center][color=DAA520][h2][b]E L I A S K O K I N O S[/b][/h2][/color][/center] [center][sup][i]P R I N C E o f P Ó L E M O S[/i][/sup][/center] [center][sup][i]w i t h a p p e a r a n c e b y [color=DDA0DD]D A F N I K O K I N O S[/color] , [sub]P R I N C E S S o f P Ó L E M O S[/sub][/i][/sup][/center] [center][i]interacting with [@shylarah] & [@ayzrules][/i][/center] [INDENT]Elias turned when he heard Rhia’s voice and the closest thing to a smile he usually let appear on his face did. “Why, Rhia.” He stood, taking his plate and cup and moving to sit with the small group, Dafni following and sitting between her brother and Alejandro. “You will have to forgive me—between Alejandro’s fashion and his hair I was blinded. The man knows how to make an impression.” He managed to give Alejandro a small smile and a wink before his usual serious expression returned. Dafni, however, smiled at Alejandro’s compliment. “Why thank you, Alejandro, though I don’t think you need to call me ‘princess’ anymore. We’re friends now.” She gave his outfit another cursory look and smiled. “I must say you look incredible as always. Loving the flowers—as always.” She laughed. “How are you doing?” Elias looked over, studying Alejandro’s clothes first. The shirt fit well, the jeans, too, and damn him for wearing heels yet again. Well, he looked incredible as always. He remembered just how well a chiton fit, too. However, he let himself look at Alejandro’s face, maintaining a mask as he stuck a cream puff in his mouth. Five years had done a bit to slim his face, making that jawline even sharper and those cheekbones more deadly. But it was the earrings that got him. Hadn’t Alejandro worn those while in Pólemos? He thought of the gifts they had exchanged that last morning, waking up in twisted sheets. Alejandro had set in his hand one of the earrings he’d been wearing the day before: a large cross with more decorations than he could have thought to add. Then again, that usually summed up anything the Castilyan wore. Usually it sat in his bedside table drawer, but this morning he’d slipped it in his pocket almost accidentally. Almost. He knew he’d see Alejandro, and thus wanted to see if he could show him beneath the table. [i]I still remember,[/i] it would say. [i]I still care.[/i] But he couldn’t take it out in front of all these people, hence why he’d initially tried to draw Alejandro elsewhere, slightly more private. For now, though, it would stay in his pocket and he’d remain his usual stoic, military-trained impassive self. It was safest, if not for him, for Alejandro.[/INDENT] [center][hider=Elias’ Attire & FC] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/236x/f2/d3/d3/f2d3d36a112d73741aecb482ea874daf.jpg[/img] [color=lightgray][i]Sans tie; this is the actual length of his hair[/i][/color] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/cc/f0/a2/ccf0a2b5351edbc78343b0e761a603ca.jpg[/img] [color=lightgray][i]Slight change: his hair is actually almost shoulder-length (see attire)[/i][/color][/hider][/center] [center][hider=The Earring] [img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-9w9YGo1v9Ts/XD_JNQyj1FI/AAAAAAAANdc/d_2Q5aDckDI-aEHunS7zDAWPwcUgOBc5ACL0BGAYYCw/h471/2019-01-16.png[/img] [/hider][/center] [center][hider=Dafni’s Attire & FC] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/79/dc/bc/79dcbc20df364fe47a9b666fd036d63f.jpg[/img] [color=lightgray][i]The shirt sits the way the leftmost version does[/i][/color] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/2d/66/44/2d66440fc8a298e0d5519d3d8b89fd6f.jpg[/img] [color=DDA0DD][i]FC: Bianca Santos[/i][/color][/hider][/center]