[@Altered Tundra] Well, i suppose the reference a touch of mythology, touching into some real irl matters. There are a few ways i was thinking it could go down, though i am afraid to ask considering the awkwardness of such a concept and not wanting to offend, listing a couple ideas here for reference: [hider=Thoughts]1. The child is born intersex, and is allowed to grow until they decide "what they feel more like" on their 6-7th birthday. Then on that day, Aphrodite asks them what they want to be. After all, as a goddess, she loves her children and wants to help them move on. Child then wishes, "i want to be as pretty as mommy...but, if i want to i want to be a mommy or a daddy!", doing so from an innocent and pure perspective of a young kid being approached with a matter more serious than they know. Aphrodite agrees if that is "what they want", and grants this wish. Boom, both sets of organs, but an overall beautiful female body as they grow up. I know it sounds very odd....but i suppose it is an exploration of what, if a Greek goddess was in this situation, could happen at the child's request. Someone in a position that many would potentially find struggle in, and the unique take on life that could be had from such a position. 2. Apollo prophesied to Aphrodite that she was pregnant with twins, with both twins being conjoined, weak, and potentially going to die if nothing was done and one or the other died. But to try to save their lives, or at least save on or the other due to the situation, the goddess essentially fused them together, using the fusion of the bodies of Hermaphroditus and the nymph Salmacis from legend (aka the past for her) as a reference for her doing this. This had been done before to unite the bodies of a nymph and her youthful son by Hermes (Hermaphroditus) forever, saving the youth from the nymph's...assault. All in all an obtuse solution only possible when Greek deities decide to meddle in thing and fiddle with humanity, really, and in this case a goddess trying to help keep at least one twin alive. End result, a similar situation but more skewed due to the odd nature of this "fusion" to try to save a life. You get the OC being rather female physically, but with male parts. Or a female with both sets of parts, or similarly unique arrangements only possible via the gods' power. A "what-if" scenario imitating an old legend about one of Aphrodite's divine children. [/hider] Ironically, such children were tied to prophetic tidings, i believe. If i read up right on things. But, er, hopefully this is all legible. ^^;