The train keeps on chugging. We'll get back to station eventually! [@DracoLunaris] for Azura [hider] It's cool to see a wind god--I did that in Divinus Mk. II with my god called Zephyrion, and your character contrasts quite a bit with Zeph. I'll begin with your Portfolio. Wind is a simple and concise choice, which is good. Nonetheless, you're quite vague about what powers Azura has. We can assume that she controls the winds on Galbar, but is that all? If Wind weren't so straightforward, we would likely take big issue with your lack of specificity here. The Blue is a nice Sphere. The Co-GMs reviewed your sheet a while back and remarked about a lack of interaction with other Spheres and with the surface of Galbar (besides driving winds) but it looks like you've already fixed that with some edits. I quite like your idea of some sky-creatures occasionally dying and falling down below, and for mortals to be able to scavenge some useful magic or rare things from their bodies; that's a cool thing for the Blue to do. Your connection with So'E and the Maze are likewise neat; have you considered perhaps connecting to a few others as well, like Fengshui Fuyou or Phystene's Worldtree? Overall your Sphere is quite good. Now we arrive at Persona--this is also quite good. Azura has many quirks and such that will lead to interaction. One of was initially concerned that you might not have many ideas for what to do early on, but your updated persona alleviates these concerns quite nicely. Still, you (like everyone) should start thinking up a few early story-arcs and plans if you haven't already! Obligatory nitpicking: you misspell 'idly' as 'idaly' in the second paragraph. A following sentence, "These vast temple ships do have controller on them them" also doesn't make sense. Third paragraph spells Sphere as 'sphear'. Lot more issues are present, mainly typos--I'd suggest a thorough proofreading as well as perhaps copying and pasting your sheet into a grammar checker, or using RPGuild's built-in dictionary to take note of misspelled words. Overall this sheet was good. The numerous spelling mistakes were the only sore thumb. Accepted with recommendations; I'd suggest you check out Grammarly or otherwise commit yourself to more thorough proofreading as you go into the IC.[/hider]