Darin was not paying attention to her surroundings. She was more concerned with the vines currently entrapping her. She wiggled some more, and another vine snapped. She smiled. She absently thought that this probably wasn’t the best idea. If she got free this way she would go tumbling to the ground. She would probably break something. That much was clear. Still, she didn’t have anymore options. She had no idea where she was. So, she couldn’t expect help from anyone. She had to get down herself. Another vine snapped. Her smile turned into a smirk. This was actually going alright; for now. She was sure it would hurt when she hit the ground. That was a problem for then. She let out a shout when she heard a yowl, “By The Tree!” She down to see the biggest cat she had ever seen. Darin felt her eye go wide. It looked like it could be bigger than her. It the back of her mind Darin had to admit that the cat was gorgeous. It looked to be cream and black colored with a ringed tail. If it didn’t sound like it was calling for more of its friends Darin would be inclined to sweet talk it. As it was, Darin was fairly positive that a whole pack of cats was about to emerge from the forest. Then they would wait for her to fall into their waiting paws. The traveler risked a glance at the vines. Suddenly she prayed to the deities that they held long enough for the cats to get tired of waiting. She looked down just in time to see a rider come into view. Darin knew she was staring. This woman screamed dangerous. She was also beautiful. Darin had never seen skin that color. Of course, she had never seen an Elf before. Darin was amazed by her dark waves even as she wondered how the woman could stand having hair that long. Her eyes were the part that begged for attention. They spoke of untold danger while being the most striking shade of amber. They seemed to look straight though Darin. She was the single most beautiful woman the human had ever seen. She wondered if all Elves looked like her. Darin wanted to see more if that was the case. Darin knew her looks couldn’t compare. For one thing she had to look like a bumbling idiot. She was stuck in a tangle of vines and was about to plummet to the forest floor just as soon as they broke. For another thing she was shades of brown. Her skin was tan from working in the field just about every day from when she was fourteen. Her eyes were a washed out brown and her hair blended into her skin. She had to recognize the stark differences between them. Though she had to wonder if now was really the time to compare looks. It was a good thing the Elf spoke first. Otherwise Darin would have lost herself for a moment and blurted out some vague compliment that would only end with the warrior laughing at her and her face turning bright red. The Elf’s words also snapped her to her senses. She was glad she had been mistaken for a boy. She wasn’t sure what rumors about her were being spread, but she wasn’t a complete idiot. She may not have any supplies, but the fewer people who knew who she was and what she was doing the better. The Elf was still waiting for an answer, “My supplies were stolen. My knife is in my pack. I can’t use it properly so that seemed like the best place for it.” She was trying to keep her voice as deep as possible without making it obvious she was faking, “And yes, I fell off the cliff.” Darin truly hoped the Elf didn’t laugh at her. She wasn’t sure she had the emotional fortitude to be laughed at right now. She rather the Elf just left her hanging than laugh at her. Maybe that was silly. It wasn’t like laughing would truly hurt her. Darin supposed she could stand a little bit of laughing if she helped get her down. The traveler supposed the only way she was going to get help was if she asked. Darin decided to try, “I don’t suppose you would be willing to help me down.” She smiled nervously, “Or at least not stand there so I don’t fall on you.” Because that was still the plan. It was working before the gorgeous cat showed up. Darin was fully prepared to keep wiggling and trashing. She couldn’t be stuck here forever. She wasn’t planting The Seed all tangled up after all. She needed to get down. She was going to get down. Even if this stunning woman wouldn’t help her Darin would get down. Darin gave her head a shake. She needed to stop repeating herself. Even if she was only repeating herself in her brain. She would get nowhere by doing that. She needed to think positive, and she needed to remain focus. She could do this. Maybe. Possibly. If she didn’t break something on her fall down. No! First, she would get down. She would deal with the ground when she got there. Besides, maybe the Elf would help her.