[center][h3]Ratchet[/h3] Level 2 - (6/20) EXP Location: Scrapyard Word count: 431[/center] [hr] Everything seemed to be going well, the robot ninja got the pink puff ball off of the giant rabbits head and then the rabbit itself was put down, now it the only things left were the oth--... Even just thinking things were going well was a jinx! More robots yet again showed themselves, although these ones were much nastier looking than the previous ones, attempting to set up a defensive line before some of them just crapped out. Ratchet looked over the battlefield for the source but didn't dwell too much on it. Blazermate called out about Kirby's predicament and Ratchet quickly zoned in on where the poor puff was stuck. Oh yeah that wasn't good; he needed to go fetch Kirby right away! "I'm on it!" Ratchet called out, switching out his bombbuilder for his wrench. As the Lombax broke from cover he heard Bowser yell a command, seemingly at the insane rabbits before Bowser himself barreled towards the defenseless turrets that were still under construction and just started causing havoc, making literal shock-waves and breathing torrents of flame onto the enemy. Ratchet saw it as a great distraction that he could capitalize on. Adjusting his wrench so it opened up a little wider Ratchet sprinted towards Bowser's giant hat, wrench held out to the side so he could scoop up the hat without having to slow down. Without Bowser distraction, Ratchet was pretty sure he'd have been turned into paste right now by all those turrets. Sure he was pretty agile but with that many guns shooting at once you just got to the point where you couldn't dodge anymore. Ratchet slid past the hat which housed the little pink puff and snatched it up with his wrench, the hat sitting snugly in its teeth. Ratchet never stopped moving, pulling a full 180 so he could take Kirby back to Blazermate so she could assist him if he'd suffered any damage. He smiled at the star warrior giving him a nod "I gotcha little guy. You're going to be alright." Now all that was left was to get back to cover, but Ratchet wasn't sure if he was going to make it back behind cover unscathed. Bowser was a big scary monster. In fact the more Ratchet watched him torch robots the more he was reminded of a blargian snagglebeast, but even so the big guy couldn't soak up all the attention. Especially considering Ratchet was rescuing Kirby, whom for some reason attracted the attention of Galeem's forces like a moth to a flame.