[center][h2]Match One - End[/h2][/center][hr] The ice creeping across the wall unfortunately caught Aram completely unaware, climbing up over his back and sticking him in place. On top of that she held out one of her cards and called upon a bloodthirsty group of goblins, who at her order snarled and leaped as the stricken boy. Unfortunately for...pretty much everyone in was in that moment that Bak tramped around the corner and eagerly opened up with everything she had. [hr] Booing was expected whenever Mephisto's won, especially from the Laural's section, but it seemed especially intense this time. Maybe it had something to do with all the double taps. It didn't have anything to do with how bad Bak felt. As the medics gathered up the vigilantes and carted them off to be patched up and the announcers declared their victory Bak stood sheepishly with Christine and Rurik. "I am so sorry." She said. "I did not know you were there, honest. I could not see thanks to [i]stupid Brutus[/i]!" Regardless, the first match was over. Victory had come to Mephisto's!