After making sure Stain was knocked out for good, Midoriya ran over to Nensu. His eyes fixed on the knife sticking out of her shoulder. He couldn't imagine how much pain she would be in- they had to get help fast. Shoto came closer to help the girl up. "Are you alright?" Midoriya said, his voice and eyes apparently shaky. "Let's get you to a hospital. There should be heroes coming any time now..." Shoto carefully reached for his sister and pulled her up. Conveniently, they heard voices coming from the entrance of the alley. A small group of heroes-seemingly mid to low ranking, average heroes- walked in. "Iida! You're here! Don't wander off like th... is that the hero killer?!" One of them said. Obviously, it was the one who Iids was interning under-probably just because he seemed to have his office in the area of Stain's activity. The heroes hurried to tie up Stain and help Nensu up. "Alright, let's get you kids patched up."