[@Old Amsterdam][@Gardevoiran][@King Cosmos][@Floodtalon][@Zeroth] Time skip summary is here. If I forgot to add anything or missed something, do tell and I'll add it tomorrow as soon as I am able. Alright, assuming the Timeskip is going to for an entire day, and also be broken down into three parts - Shelter Building/Hunting Gathering, Teaching/Training, Personal time/development. During the building, Torrent and Digbie will be constructing most of the base. A medium sized underground building, far enough away from the stream that if it rains and overflows, it won't flood, but close enough that traveling for water would be easy. The base itself should have a larger main circular room, with a small indentation in the center for a fire pit. Several other rooms will be constructed off to the side. A Large 'training area' where we can practice skills without the danger of potentially burning down the forest. Two or three personal rooms, including a medium sized room for Ash and some experiments. Meanwhile, Oberon and Mourn will go out and hunt/gather, as well as explore the surrounding area to bring back some fresh meat, and trying to do so by bringing the specimens as intact as possible. Ash would like to study them. For the training/teaching part, these are the skills people want to learn and who they want to learn them from. [hider=Teaching/Training] [i][b]Ash[/b][/i] Poison skills from Torrent Tremor sense from Digbie Mana Slice from Mourn Shield and Mana Orb, Meditate from Oberon [i][b]Torrent[/b][/i] Tremor Sense from Digbie Meditate from Oberon Analysis skills from those who have them [i][b]Oberon[/b][/i] Fireball from Torrent Mana Slice from Mourn Sacred Ground from Digbie [i][b]Mourningstar[/b][/i] Mana Dart and Meditate from Oberon Fireball from Torrent Stone Shot and Rock Spire from Digbie [i][b]Digbie[/b][/i] Analysis Skills from those who have them Mana Orb from Mourn Turn Mana Orb into Mana Shield Meditate from Oberon [/hider] Below is some specifics related to each PC as it relates to their specific part, activities, and particular methods for training. [hider=Ash Specifics] First Phase - Ash will forage around the construction site for edibles and plants, using all of her analysis skills on anything she finds. She'll construct a small pile of edibles and non-edibles outside of the base. She won't stray extremely far from the construction site, and will also keep an eye out in case something decides to jump them. She will use all of her analysis skills on anything she might find of interest. Anything toxic or poisonous she finds, she'll put in a third pile and tell the others to [i]definitely[/i] not touch. Second Phase - Firstly, Ash will learn Meditate from Oberon until she succeeds. An important skill that will help with furthering her magical abilities and studies. After that, she'll first go to Torrent and attempt to learn all the different poison related skills she has, followed shortly by tremor sense from Digbie, Mana Slice and Mana Shape from Mourn, and Shield and Mana Orb from Oberon. She herself, will also try and help the others with analysis skills as they need them. Shield and Mana Orb, Meditate: Meditate would be first priority. As stated above, she would do it until she succeeded, regardless of how long it took. Focus on slowing the breathing, and trying to draw ambient mana from the surrounding area into herself to replenish her own reserves. Mana orb would be next, Ash would attempt concentrating her mana into a visible form in front of her, attempting to use her tail as a sort of 'focus' as one might use their hands for spell casting or gesturing. She would continue until succeeds, using more mana as needed. Low priority would be shield. After having learned Mana Orb, she would try instead of attacking with the orb, but to expand and use it to attempt placing a circular shield made of mana around herself. Poison Glob, Poison breath: Will listen to Torrent's words on how she does each of the different abilities. As the Pygmy Drake lacks venomous fangs to attack with, a little creativity will be needed. Poison Glob would be the easiest, by attempting to emulate Torrent's ability except using her own stinger to deliver the attack. This would be attempted by altering a shot 'Venom Shot' into a larger mass. Poison breath would be attempted by altering Poison Spray's stream into a wider area, attempting to create a mist-like effect that would cover a large area and still be expelled with some force. Tremor Sense: She would at first, attempt to do what the goblin instructed after observing and listening to any instruction he'd have on trying to use it. Feel the earth and the tremors beneath her. Failing that, she would attempt to use her Mana and slowly trickle it into the ground before trying to return it like an echolocation sort of effect. Mana Slice & Mana Shape: After hopefully successfully learning Mana Orb from Oberon, these would both be much easier. Ash would attempt to compress the orb down to a thin, blade like shape. She would continue until succeeded. Assuming Mana Shape would eventually be gained along with this skill, as it would involve shaping mana in a particular way to succeed in doing anyways. Third Phase: Assuming everything goes semi well and there is some free time left in the evening, Ash would gather some wood form outside, flying up to the tops of trees and cutting down some branches near the burrow using Mana Slice. Get a good, sturdy looking branch Afterwards and practice flying. Afterwards, return to base and pile whatever animal bodies that Mourn and Oberon brought in her room. Proceed to dissect and study them, using Alchemy Analysis on all the specific parts. Eyes, tongues...etc. If there's any time left, would practice developing lesser force well into the night, and start trying to use her tail to hold one of those branches. Would start sleeping only a few hours before dawn. [/hider] [hider=Oberon Specifics] First Phase - When Oberon and Mourningstar are hunting and gathering he is going to focus more time on finding fruit and vegetables than on hunting for meat. He is going to use Magic and Monster Analysis on any plant or creature he does not recognise and he is going to try and temper Mourn’s aggressiveness and prevent her from attacking a creature without first analysing it and coordinating an attack. This may or may not work. Second Phase – When everyone is trying to teach each other skills Oberon is going to first teach everyone Meditation; he will emphasise that this is the most important skill to learn in the long run and will make all of their later training easier. After that he will offer to teach people Minor Heal and Shield along with anything else people ask for. He is going to try and learn Fireball from Torrent, Mana Blade from Mourningstar and Sacred Ground from Digbie in that order of priority. Fireball: He will first observe Torrent using the skill to try and add to the information he has already gathered. Then he is going to try and recreate it as he saw it, starting by trying to create the fireball from scratch. If this is not successful he will switch to trying to first create a Mana Orb and then igniting it/converting it to a Fireball. He will continue until he succeeds. Mana Blade: After observing Mourn using the skill Oberon will start with a Mana Orb and use Mana Shape to try and form the same crescent-shaped blade that Mourn was using. This will basically be similar to how he created the Mana Dart skill, only using Mourn’s version as a guideline. If this takes too long he will abandon this skill for now. Sacred Ground: As this is the skill he has the least prior experience with it will likely be the hardest to learn. He will analyse Digbie as he uses the skill and analyse the magic circle on the ground as well. He will try and create his own circle and replicate what he saw Digbie do. If this fails he will try and infuse the ground within the circle with nature mana like his healing spells. I’m assuming this is a combination or earth and nature mana, or maybe just nature, so he will use his knowledge of Minor Heal and Lesser Status Heal along with what he remembers from analysing Stone Shot to try and do something similar. If this takes too long he will abandon this skill for now, but will likely try longer than he did for Mana Blade. Third Phase – Once he has taught everyone the skills they want to learn and he has at least learned Fireball he will move on to individual training and will attempt to learn the following skills in the following order of priority. If he runs out of time, i.e. if it gets dark then he will stop. Lesser Force: Oberon will begin by gathering a few small stones to practice on. He will then attempt to move or lift the stones using his mana, visualising wrapping his mana around the stones and lifting them up and down. If this does not work he will move on to using Danny’s idea of visualising a hand doing the manipulating. He will continue this until he succeeds. Spell Chant: Oberon will try to use the Spell Chant ability to enhance a simple spell like Mana Orb. He will repeat the same chant and fire the Mana Orb and seeing what the effects are, if there is an increase in power or in the mana used to perform the spell. He will start with simple chants and increase in complexity and length as time goes on, with the end result being something like “Expression of purest force; simple in form and modest in purpose; seek out my enemies and destroy them; carry forth my will and vanquish them; strike them down with magical might”. He will continue this until he succeeds. Light Ring: Disregard this if he has already learned Light Ring from his previous efforts. He will continue creating the Light Ring starting with Mana Orb and will continue trying to use the spell as a projectile. If this continues not to result in anything he will then cast Shield III on himself and attempt to use the Light Ring on himself, placing it over his head and shoulders assuming it is wide enough to do so. Minor Regeneration: He will continue his efforts from before the Goblin fight, attempting to cast a spell in the manner of Shield using Nature mana to coat the target, himself in this instance, with a veil of healing magic. General Notes – If Oberon ever runs low of mana he will mediate until it is restored, finding an area where the sunlight reaches the ground and sitting in it to take in energy faster. Throughout the process of creating skills he will regularly check his skills tabs to see if he has made any progress or how close he is to finishing the skill; if he sees progress is being made he will continue with that method, but if he sees no progress he will either change methods or move on to something else unless I have said he will continue until he succeeds. [/hider]