[center][h1]Questions?[/h1] [h3] [@Kitty] and/or [@Aerandir] can answer them![/h3][/center] [h3][center]FQA[/center][/h3] [u][i][b] Magic- [/b][/i][/u]Magic can be taught to anyone, but it is extremely difficult in many cases. There are people who are born to be more magically in-tune. But this has nothing to do with Bloodlines. So no 'Pure bloods'. Also being magically in-tune does not mean with a single type of magic, but magic in general. This doesn't mean you can master everything insanely fast. But able to understand it better than mos [u][b][i] Races- [/i][/b][/u]You can play as an elf, dwarf, half-ling, or orc. (Please ask before you create an entire sheet about your race that's not part of the basic version of fantasy, so you don't go through the entire process and get shot down on the race. IF YOU DO DECIDE TO DO THIS, Note your character will face extreme discrimination within the kingdom of Tricealia. They wont have a high position in the government, and treated as third class citizens. Even Shrikanti/veiled ones; who are darker skinned are discriminated as well. Even magic users born into the kingdom still can face it. Please take this into account while creating your character. [b][i][u] Map- [/u][/i][/b] I have no problem updating the map, and would love to do so if you think of something that would be in your characters history. (If they are from a farming town, or mining town. etc.)