[hr][hr][center][h1][color=0072bc]Jason[/color] and [color=a187be]Janelle[/color] [color=0072bc]Gauger[/color][/h1] [img]https://image.ibb.co/bwpq9G/ezgif_com_gif_maker.gif[/img] [I]Location: Seattle, Washington Interacting With: Isley, Scott[/I][/center][hr][hr] Jason was getting even more annoyed with Scott, if that was even possible. The guy just couldn't shut up for two minutes now could he without making some wisecracking joke or something like that. Though Isley confirming that she had talked to Trevor too was an interesting one, so the guy seemed to be making the rounds. Heading to everyone who had powers, that was a bit on the suspicious side, and sure, he didn't like the idea of someone dying over that, but if the guy was going to hurt his sister, or at least if they talked to him and it seemed that way, he wouldn't be against it. Janelle giggled slightly at what Scott had said about the other two being princesses. She didn't know really why it was so funny to her, but she knew that it likely had something to do with the knowledge that her brother hated it. This wasn't really a situation to be laughing too much about though, there was a killer of sorts on the loose wasn't exactly the best thing to think about, but she didn't exactly have a choice. How could she not think too much about that? [color=0072bc]"You aren't the only one worrying about that! Though Trevor didn't seem like that bad of a person when we had met him, just talked a bit about the weird illness or whatever it was that we all got, asked if we had powers, and then I kind of shut the door in his face and he left, probably to head over to your place or whatever,"[/color] he said with a slight shrug. That was basically in a nutshell what had happened, what else was there to say. [color=a187be]"Wait... Leaving? As in right now? I don't think we really can..."[/color] Janelle said softly, not turning her head in the direction of Scott's voice. She didn't think that was the best idea, since unlike her brother, she was still underage and likely would be labelled as a runaway of sorts, which could spell out some other problems. People might question why she was racing off somewhere, especially since she didn't like the idea of just racing off anywhere.