Asura snarled as Jason spoke. [color=red]"You have nothing to explain, boy! Trading Mother Slime for a fucking [b]automaton[/b] that's held together by fucking [b]magic[/b]!"[/color] The red slime roared as he seemed to glow from the rage he had. A left over trait from his human days? He had been well known for his eyes seemingly glowing red when he was getting royally pissed off. Jason stopped moving for whatever reason, digesting the rat? Trying to see how a ball of bile moved? Asura didn't know nor did he particularly care. His attacks had landed and the stone covered slime wasn't faring to well at this point. But he knew the cocky fuck had some more herbs in there, he hadn't [b]just[/b] brought those crystals, and he had seen him lose some of the damage right at the start. However Ardur landing as a flaming figure on his tendrils made him growl and pull them back briefly. As the small flaming pixie talked and Jason hollered a ceasefire, Asura began to move slowly. His tendrils snaked back until he was just a slime blob again, albeit a melty one with a new herb. [color=red]"You act like a human is special. Humans aren't, they're animals and always will be no matter how many new brain functions they get."[/color] Asura growled out as he continued to circle. He could see the wisp up near the ceiling hovering near some of those damned mana crystals. Was that Jason's new plan? To get more mana to try and use his stupid magic again? His stamina was dangerously low at this point so he had to pick what he did wisely while Ardur talked some more. [color=red]"Better? I'm not trying to be better. That's what I fucking did while human. This world lets me be who I truly am, no laws or police around to enforce [b]their[/b] moral code on me![/color] He exclaimed angrily, his body nearly bubbling with how angry he was. Decades of anger and urges that had been repressed were coming out. Of course while they talked Mother Slime did what Mother Slimes do. She came bouncing into the scene with a tremendous [b]Mash[/b] before rolling a little ways away. This opportunity wouldn't come again and Asura snaked forward, surging around Ardur like a sea of blood. [color=red][i]I have no desire to hurt you boy, but you're terribly naive. Whatever you said about corruption, that sticks and it sticks for a long time. He needs to be killed because he will never change.[/i][/color] He thought to Ardur with that base slime telepathy. Asura used what little stamina he had left, and Overworked to try and Smash the flattened Jason as hard as he literally could. He was holding onto that stolen herb until he felt it was necessary just in case Jason didn't die from this blow. He'd be losing hit points again due to that Stamina loss, almost guaranteed.