[img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/354788242224185348/457329693478092816/jmh-wulfila.wulfila-regular.png [/img] While Allard walked down the road this morning he would see towns people getting up early to remove more of the vines making their homes a sore to look at, unless you enjoyed plant decorations. But between two quiet homes was a figure that approached Allard from behind. "You are a shameful pupil of the shadow skill." A feminine voice whispered in his ear. Once he turned there would be no one there. Then landing three meters in front of him was a fair brown complexioned woman with red horns and a fiery aura. [hider]add horns [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/446152515197730818/530628030306058240/1c88e6101e96bbcadff7411be360bfe8.png[/img][/hider] Allard's eyebrows raised in surprise as he turned around to look for the voice that spoke to him. [color=9ACD32]"Huh...odd... Could have sworn I heard someone sa-"[/color] he then stopped abruptly to keep himself from walking over a young woman. His shock quickly gave way to hearty laughter. [color=9ACD32]"Oh there ya are! Sorry lass, I musta missed ya walk around!"[/color] "I've been told some big idiot is walking around with knowledge he'd be better off without. Don't think people don't know who you are, an escaped Gladiator. Only not dragged back due to no one wanting you back. I heard you were unbeatable. You had the shadow skill to thank for that." She put her hands on her hips, her fiery gaze honed in on him. Looking him in the eyes. "I'm not interested in showing you what real shadow skill looks like. But there are some who are making it their mission to end your life for what you know." Allard shook his head, [color=9ACD32]"Unbeatable, no, there was one man. Tha one who started ta teach it to me. I was able ta fend off my foes, but then they would just send larger and larger creatures, and eventually, even a 'big idiot's' fists aren't strong enough on their own. He heard my tale and offered ta help, teaching me a skill that I used ta hopefully make it out of that god forsaken pit and back ta my family...well...it got me out anyway, and as long as I'm not there, I don't care what they want."[/color] Allard sighed heavily as he looked down to her with a hardened stare. [color=9ACD32]"I do not wish ta hunt anyone for some pitiful feeling of self accomplishment. If they want ta fight....I cannot stop them from making that decision, though I may try. But you... why would you seek me out just ta tell me this?"[/color] "Well I heard you were pretty strong. But that's nothing new to a user of the shadow skill... Truth is the one who taught you has never taught anyone before and their style is known to only two people in this world. You would make a third. But unfortunately you only learned a handful." She yawned. "I got up so early for nothing." Allard wasn't sure how to react except to laugh, a deep loud laugh as his fists rested on his hips. [color=9ACD32]"Well, I'm sorry ta disappoint ya lass, but maybe I could make it up to ya? From what he taught me before, he told me that it was a leg based fighting style, something of which I honestly never learned. Always been better with my arms. Practicing against him was brutal, an when he left, I decided to try somethin' on my own. It took a while, but I've learned ta be able ta concentrate the power ta different parts of my body I choose. Hoping ta be able ta use my whole body at once eventually."[/color] He crossed one arm as the other rested against his chin in thought. [color=9ACD32]"Though I guess if you say there are other fighting styles with this shadow skill, then there is a possibility I'm not the only one who knows how ta do that."[/color] He looked back up from his thought, [color=9ACD32]"Anyways, tha name's Allard. Have ta admit, its interesting seeing another user running about, though from the sound of it, it seems like something I'd rather avoid."[/color] he ended with a light chuckle of laughter. Stretching as he talked she looked around to make sure no one was following and watching. Most of the ones out this morning were at the market. Though with the foreigners still in town, and their once injured cured, most decided to stay in late. Though they would welcome one who knocked on their doors. "Watch yourself when getting near Fotia. I hear there's a bounty for you. Running with this alliance in the open might get you in more trouble than you thought." She seemed interested in something more than just normal banter. "I guess death doesn't scare you one bit huh?" She smirked tilting her head at him. "I know your name. You don't need to worry over mine. Just tell me one thing. Your 'Master' tell you which way he escaped to?" [color=9ACD32]"I have some people worth livin' for. Though, should I die, I would be reunited with my family,"[/color] he nodded solemly, and with a wry grin he added, [color=9ACD32]"though I'm sure they wouldn't want me ta just toss my own life aside either."[/color] As for his master of sorts, he had to take a moment to think back. [color=9ACD32]"Ziton used a sort of ritual ta escape. It created a portal, in which over time I was able ta learn and do tha same. It transported me ta the kingdom of Vrondi. I had collapsed due ta previous wounds when I arrived, so I'm not sure exactly where I was at the time, but I did awaken at an infirmary in the capitol city. I appologize I don't know more. I'd like ta catch up with him myself."[/color] "Hmph.." She turned on a heel. "You owe a lot to him I see. I guess you don't look at the wanted papers much. But." She pulled from her shirt a rolled page of paper. Tossing it into the air it unraveled and floated gently down for Allard to grasp onto. "He's the most wanted man in this world. He might call you to return the favor one day. Good luck with that." She began to be coated in a dark aura. Her eyes glowing red briefly before she kicked off with a gentle jump. Nearly flying as she soared away. Shouting from above before she got too far. "My name is Pyra! Shadow skill master of the five flames!" Fire erupted around her as the form of a phoenix was made and took off in the skies. Heading towards Fotia. Allard picked up the paper, and waved to Pyra as she took off, admittedly a bit disappointed she didn't stay longer to talk. Seemed a bit odd to look for someone only to hint at things here and there, but he guessed she had other plans. It was an impressive sight to behold as she took the form of a phoenix and flew off. He watched until she disappeared from view. He looked down at the paper to see what it had read about his teacher from the arena. Allard saw the wanted poster for Ziton. He was grinning and was holding a child in the photo. The image moved a bit as if the ink used in its colorless depiction was alive. Or made from a strange magic. A couple million was the value on his head. It was astonishing to see the length of the zeros. Allard sighed, cursing under his breath. [color=9ACD32]"What tha hell?"[color] he murmured as he studied the wanted poster. He shook his head, thinking about what he possibly could have done when he left. He never mentioned anything nefarious in his time talking to him. Allard folded the paper up and put it in his pocket, [color=9ACD32]"No sense worryin' bout it now I guess, all in due time."[/color] With that he headed to the shops, hopefully to get at least a new shirt.