Crow’s heart raced with excitement as he and Penelope kissed in the grass. He trailed his free hand down the length of her side, only pausing when he reached her thigh. Being with the knight like this was one of his favorite pastimes. He shuddered at the feeling of their bodies moving against each other with the rhythm of the kiss, a bit lightheaded between his passion for her and his irregular breathing from his zeal for her lips. The dizziness didn’t bother him though. In fact, it just encouraged him to press into her all the more fervently, easily losing himself in the moment and forgetting everything else. Eventually, he felt Penelope pull back, and it was then that he took a moment to catch his lost breath, panting softly as he held her gaze. At her compliment, he laughed, finding her dazed words both endearing and flattering. “Thanks,” he grinned, leaning his cheek into the palm of her hand. “I ‘ike yer eyes too.” He studied her eyes as he spoke, taking in every detail. He found it interesting that even though they both had green eyes, the hues were quite different. In contrast with his pale, bright irises, hers were a deep, rich shade of jade that reminded him of the precious stones he had seen in the jewelry of some noblewomen. It was a unique color that he had never seen in another person before, and it was another trait that he loved about her. He closed his eyes and sighed as she kissed him along cheek and jaw, relishing her touch. She always made him feel so good. When she leaned back again, he chased after her, pressing a series of soft kisses along the skin of her neck—he wanted to be gentler with her after noticing the marks he had left last time—and bringing his hand up to rest at her waist again. Soon, he heard her say that they should stop and felt her hand on his chest, but he didn’t want to. “Don’ worry abou’ it,” he murmured, speaking between kisses as he shifted to trail his lips along her jawline. “They don’ care. B’sides, we’ve go’ time t’kill b’fore supper… Migh’ as well enjoy it.”