[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjU0LjM2NzgzMC5WR0Z1YVdFLC4y/the-gingerbread-house.regular.png[/img][/center] Oh wasn't this thing adorable. The Aetheri giggled brightly as the tree responded. So eager! [color=598527]"Allllright then, tree. The game is simple!~"[/color] Tania put some distance between her and the tree. With a wave of her hand, something suddenly happened. The space in front of Tania, was suddenly replaced with what appeared to be a wall. A wall identical to the rest of the hallway. If Mirithal attempted to touch or otherwise pass through, he'd find it incredibly difficult most likely. While the illusion was an illusion, it would take an incredibly willful mind to resist its effects, or a small mishap. For all purposes, the wall that now separated them, was real. But perhaps Mirithal's childlike mind would not be so fooled by Tania's illusions. [color=598527]"A game of tag, see? You find and catch me, and I'll lead you straight to the gardens!"[/color] She laughed lightly. This was gonna be so easy. Of course, she wasn't utterly mean. She had a plan that would hopefully help him in the long run, totally.