[b][i]Mass Effect: Seraphim Post[/i][/b] [quote=@Starlance] [color=57B9FF]“Suggestion: existing access to Blue Suns network can be further exploited to disrupt enemy communications or disorganise their attacks with false or contradictory instructions as opposed to simple communications interception.”[/color] the Geth offered, unwilling to act without consensus for fear of disrupting some plan the group agreed on prior to establishing communications with them. [color=57B9FF]“Breaking enemy morale may also be possible.”[/color] [/quote] "I'll splice up a few contradictory orders right away!" Ashton then began recording some of the Blue Suns officers' voices, brought out a voice synthesizer program he had bought from the extranet, then had said program create new instructions and calls for help and false reports of 'enemy reinforcements' using the recorded voices. Only a keen ear can tell the difference between their actual officers' voices and the fakes. Note that as he needed to devote attention to other parts of the battle, he had to distribute the altered transmissions randomly... He then continued, "By the way, you need a callsign, considering the fact that you're fighting beside us for now. What about 'Buddy - Or Gideon, Gideon would do as well!" Ashton then ate a few bites of a cracker while Flame ate a few more while waiting for Pixy to respond to him. Ashton had noticed Pixy identifying herself as Ex-Cerberus, which was a cause for concern along with her bitchy and arrogant temprament. So he turned to Lokea and said, "I have a sneaking suspicion that Mr. Fen will want us to stay together, as a permanent outfit, once we're done with this battle. But I think that an Ex-Cerberus member - and even the Geth - would be beyond the pale for most of us, even when homicidal Krogan and a Batarian with a mysterious past are not. So that'd be a conflict of interest between Mr. Fen and some of the party versus the majority."