[center][h1][b][color=fff200]Saris[/color] and [color=ed145b]Laurence[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [hider=Soundtrack] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aXrLt9a6eE[/youtube] [/hider] Laurence had finally decided to put his armor on, after many irritated noises from Saris, who was still at his desk. During that time, he had zoned out the noises from the screens, preferring to make sure that his armor would hold, his omni tools could both work properly, and he hadn't picked up one of his deliberately sabotaged guns. He really needed a system for warning about that. Even so, he hadn't been able to take much of his weaponry here from the ship. A cerberus harrier, painted black and modified with armor piercing and thermal clip extension mods, an AT-12 Raider shotgun, Batarian made (ironically) and an M-5 Phalanx heavy pistol. All of which...modified, to his own liking. Saris didn't even look up from his work as Laurence walked past him towards the door. There were sounds of footsteps outside. Saris had locked the door, but he didn't fancy them blowing it open. There was expensive equipment in this room, Saris had spent enough money today. Laurence raised his pistol, the omni-tool on his hand taking the form of a Batarian enforcement gauntlet. Saris pressed a button, remotely unlocking the door. Laurence kicked the door open with his foot, it swinging open and knocking a blue sun into a wall. Before the other five members of the squad could realize what had happened, a gigantic armored shape strolled casually through the doorway, and shot the stunned blue sun in the head with his phalanx. The others opened fire. Two assault rifles, three shotguns, all aimed at a single target. It should have been a slaughter. It was. A jet of fire burst from Laurence's omni tool, enveloping two of them in a storm that burned clean through their armor, melting it to the also melting flesh inside. Laurence didn't even bother to deliver the coup de grace, instead strolling past the shrieking mercenaries, pulling his harrier and aiming it at his next target. A Turian, female, tech armor indicating them as the squad leader. Despite being less then four meters away, Laurence's rifle burst missed her head, instead proceeding to strike them in the shoulder, tearing away tech armor, real armor, and flesh, sending the scaled arm falling to the floor, with the squad leader closely following, clutching a stump on their arm. Laurence, like before, ignored her, and dashed forward, his gauntlet smashing into a merc's face and slamming it against a wall, causing his skull to come apart like a grenade. In a instant, he dropped his harrier and formed the omnitool on his other hand into a forked blade, which he drove straight into the chest of the fifth, and last of the mercenaries. He pulled the impaled blue sun close to him, trying to listen to the last, dying words, only to realize that the sun wasn't going to say anything with a omnitool through the heart and lungs. Letting the corpse fall like a piece of trash, he looked around. The burning duo had stopped, evidently either dying from the heat or heart failure from the stress of burning alive. Perhaps it had been a mixture of both. The squad leader was still alive, crawling towards her severed arm, which had landed about a metre away. Laurence walked over her, kicking the arm away, and sighed. [color=ed145b]"Turian, before i kill you, i just want you to know. I'm the one you want, or maybe one of them. The anti-Batarian terrorist you were warned about. You could have lived like a queen for catching me."[/color] He smiled under his helmet. [color=ed145b]"But you fucked up. Threw it all away."[/color] His omni tool once more took the shape of a flamer, and... ____________ Shortly afterwards, Laurence realized he didn't really know his way around the offices. He had just followed Saris around for the day he had spent here. Briefly wondering if he should contact Saris for a building layout, and briefly wondering where the closest enemies were, when some random human blue sun thought he would be a hero, ambushing him with an omni blade. Said blade scuffed off Laurence's wrists, and, with a straight face, Laurence proceeded to grab the blue sun by his neck and, motors in his armor straining, smashed him into a nearby wall. He expected the merc's neck to snap like a twig. He was wrong. The wall almost shattered, the unfortunate merc going almost clean through it. Laurence stopped for a moment, processing what just happened, before climbing through the hole himself, pulling another small part of the wall down to help his armoured bulk get through. [i][color=ed145b]"No wonder Saris got this place so cheap, did they build it with hardened vorcha shit?"[/color][/i] The merc was on the floor, half concious as Laurence walked up to him. Laurence stared down at the merc for a moment, ignoring everything in the room around him as he felt a small sense of deja vu, and brought his boot down on the blue sun's neck. He felt something struggle underneath his boot, and did it again. And again. Fourth time was the charm, and he felt something snap. He wondered if the merc had already been dead when his neck brok... Oh. He looked up, seeing several people that didn't look like Blue Sun troops. Not that it stopped him from resting a hand on his pistol. This must be the help. Two kids and the possibly STD affected Asari. He felt safer already. He stood up straight, his boot meeting the floor instead of a neck, and waited for them to comment on his situation as people so often did.