[@Altered Tundra] CS 1 done [hider=Wynter Smith- Daughter of Hestia] [url=https://fontmeme.com/cute-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190117/13465ef3ecbf7e2b792b5b697398b74f.png[/img][/url] [center][IMG]http://oi51.tinypic.com/2vkj8jr.jpg[/IMG][/center] [color=aquamarine]"It is not the style of clothes one wears, neither the kind of automobile on drives, nor the amount of money one has in the bank, that counts. These mean nothing, it is simply service that measures success"[/color] —[color=aquamarine]George Washington Carver[/color] [hr] [color=aquamarine]Name[/color] Wynter Rose Smith [color=aquamarine]Age[/color] 20, 29th November [color=aquamarine]Gender[/color] Female [color=aquamarine]Sexual Orientation[/color] Unsure. She considers herself heterosexual but has never really liked anyone in that way but never really tried, relationships aren't on her mind at the moment. [color=aquamarine]Ethnicity[/color] 50% Greek, 12.5% British, 37.5% Irish [color=aquamarine]Years at Olympus Academy[/color] Fifth [hr] [center][URL=https://lunapic.com][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/2MQ28Y9.jpg[/IMG][/URL][/center] [color=aquamarine]"Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place Where as a child I'd hide,"[/color] — Sweet Child O' Mine by Guns 'N Roses [hr] [color=aquamarine]Appearance[/color] Wynter stands at 5'7" and has a skinny figure. Her golden blonde hair falls just below her shoulders in soft, slight waves. When it's not out she clips it back into a messy loose bun. She has light brown eyes. They say the eyes are the window to the soul and Wynter's has a soft, gentle glance, one that seems interested in what around her without prying. Wynter seems to always have a relaxed stance yet tends to get lost in her thoughts quite a bit. Wynter's style isn't very limited. She doesn't wear overly expensive or fancy close and has a tendency to dress somewhat modestly but despite that she switches between style. She leans more toward casual styles with her clothing choices and is often wearing her thin, long, light brown cardigan. Some say that half the time she has a very mum-like look. She keep her makeup natural looking. She tries not to draw attention to herself in many ways, including on how she dresses [color=aquamarine]Personality[/color] The first impression many get of Wynter is that she's shy and timid however seems to give off a vibe of comfort from being near her however getting to know her you learn that's not quite the case. Wynter is very sweet and caring, she tends to have quite a motherly presence. She loves the people around her and is always up to listen to people rant our gush. She tends to be a go-to for solving conflict as her very presence makes the people around her feel more peaceful and at ease. Although not timid Wynter can be rather distant and even disconnected from reality. She avoids speaking up and standing up for herself and others even when it might be needed this is because she doesn't like conflict and wants to do as much as possible to avoid it. She is very closed when it come to herself. She's not very good with time restraints and is often late to events and such. At the end of the day though she enjoys ensuring her friends are cared for (and well fed) while enjoying a laugh or conversation. [color=aquamarine]History[/color] Amongst the colourful, loud and wild young adult at the university party the small woman clad in neutral colours and sitting out of the way at the side of the room should have been the last person to draw ones attention but that wasn't the case for Richard Smith. For quite some time he kept glancing in the direction of the girl, watching as she topped up food bowls, ensured people had eaten and rushed to the bathroom with people who had obviously had too much alcohol to keep down. Eventually, she noticed his constant glancing in her direction and before long the two were sharing glances between bathroom assistance and empty conversations. Toward the end of the night Richard, who was tipsy at the time, approached her and asked to take her out. The pair went on multiple dates over quite a few months and enjoyed each other's company. Wynter arrived about 18 months after her parent first met. Hestia said she was being forced home by her parents and left Wynter with her father only a week after her birth Growing up Wynter had a fairly normal childhood in her younger years. Her dad tried his best to look after her alone for years. He still hasn't told her about the incident when she was 2. After throwing a temper tantrum because she wasn't allowed a cookie she took herself to her room to whinge for Richard to later find her on sitting the floor surrounded with more chocolate chip cookies than has ever been in the house, that's when he knew something was up. The next day he received a later from his former love explaining who she was and the true reason for her suddenly leaving him. She apologized for the lies and what she had got him into and told him about Olympus Academy and its importance in the girl's future. After that day Hestia made a point to visit her daughter at least once a year and when Wynter was 12 they told her of her true identity. Although you couldn't place that now during her younger teen years Wynter became troubled. A mix of being raised in a single parent home, the sporadic events of her mothers business and puberty were likely the biggest culprits. She became very closed off from everyone, including her father, and would often defy him. She snuck out of the house in the middle of the night to hang out with friends and often lash out. She resented her mother for who she was and what she did and refused to see her on many occasions. Around 16 she was coming off that phase, much to her father's joy, and later went to Olypmus Academy under her mum's wishes. She repaired her relationship to her parents and became more open to her peers. Starting at a fresh school helped as well, especially one where everyone else is going through similar stuff. [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/PKbEOkw.gif[/IMG][/center] [color=aquamarine]"Something you need to recognise, my daughter, is family is what is most important. Now, look around, these are all your brothers and sisters, in you I see the desire to make everyone around you family and that is a rare trait but one much needed in these times."[/color] — [color=aquamarine]Hestia[/color] [hr] [color=aquamarine]Godly Parent[/color] Hestia, goddess of the hearth and domestic life [color=aquamarine]Relationship With Godly Parent[/color] Wynter is rather close to her mother. As a child she didn't want anything to do with her but in the last few years, as she's matured, she's grown to love Hestia's company and vice versa. She's not a 'mumma's girl' and probably not the child Hestia is closest to but when Hestia is allowed to visit her daughter the pair can often be found cooking together or chatting over tea. [color=aquamarine]Demigod Abilities[/color] [color=aquamarine][b]Friendly Fire[/b][/color] [indent]Wynter can conjure flames. These flames have no destruction property but can make a lovely warm hearth or campfire or even be used for cooking. The flames and fire caused from them can not catch fire on anything but hearths and piles of logs and debris with the purpose of warmth, light, campfires or cooking. If touched by people or creatures they only warm and leave no burns[/indent] [color=aquamarine][b]Aura of Peace and Sanctuary[/b][/color] [Indent]Wynter has this homely presence that just seems to make everyone around her feel relaxed, welcome and safe. Even the most aggressive of spirits become a bit harder to provoke around her. Her presence can't necessarily suddenly resolve or end conflict but it has a tendency to subdue them[/indent] [color=aquamarine][b]Shared Visions of the Past[/b][/color] [indent]Touching a person she can see memories from their past through their eyes. She can't unlock hidden memories this way, just memories deeply engrained into the person's mind. She can't hand pick memories but the the target can assist by making the memory first in their mind. This is also a two way street, she can reveal her memories to another when she touches them. If she's touching 2 peopole she can choose who sees the other's memories but in this instance memories must be recent or very prominent. When it's her in the memory alone she is generally inclined to feel how the target felt in that situation. [/indent] [color=aquamarine][b]Conjure food[/b][/color] [indent]Pretty self explainatary, she can conjure food. As she enjoys cooking she usually conjures ingredients to cook from other than just food. Anything she conjures seems to taste amazing, fruit and vegetables farm fresh and meals tend to make one nostalgic of home.[/indent] [color=aquamarine]Emma Watson[/color] | [color=aquamarine]aquamarine[/color] [/hider]