Birthday is arriving shortly. So I'll give out some birthday/age related facts. Since I was 13? (Far as I remember.) I stopped receiving any present for my birthday from my parents. (A few times I don't even remember them ever acknowledging it.) I seem to scale unfavorably in that. Only later on in my adult life have we basically just gone out to eat to celebrate most family birthdays. Though that's not always the case and it usually doesn't happen on that date. My friends and I always try to get together for birthdays and usually do give presents to one another. Many times my roommate got me a cake. And I very much appreciate that [i]someone[/i] in my life puts in any effort. That tradition will in fact continue this year. And after the year I had, I need it... Also, most of my friends share similar birthday dates. So it takes me a minute to not mix the dates up. That and Cookie cake is the undisputed best version of cake. With cheesecake coming in a promising second place.