"Good thing I drove then." Rachel replied with a smirk, glad that Sinna seemed to be fine for now. She raced to the car, passing by Tyran, Steel, and Hikari on the way. "I've got space in my car, if anyone wants a ride, come on!" She yelled out to them. It was a good thing she rarely went unarmed nowadays, being on high alert for SHARD or the Sentinels. She could have wasted valuable time getting her gear. Hikari simply nodded and rushed over, jumping onto her bike. She only had her bow with her, but time was of the essence, she activated a call button on her tablet and keyed in a quick passcode. Somewhere near her bar, a dumpster flew open and a rocket pod shot out of it, headed straight for Eden. Her armour and the rest of her gear would be waiting for her there. "I'll suit up once we get there and find a vantage point! Keep your comms open!" She cried out to the rest before revving her bike and racing off. --- [b]The Armoury[/b] Somewhere in the cavernous workshop Lily called the Armoury, an alarm went off. Her wheelchair whirred over to the screen as she check it out. "Strange phantom-like creatures attacking Eden." She read out loud, though she was the only one there. The shades seemed to be fighting another army in the city as well, while the Titans seemed to have gotten the same message. [i]Well, it's a perfect time to test out my toys.[/i] She thought to herself as she quickly steered her wheelchair over to a large wired up couch with instrument panels all over it. The chair was her control interface and a holographic screen appeared before her as her first mech, Knight, stirred to life and stepped off its platform. [i]Mobility systems ... ready. Weapon systems... online. Sensory systems... functional.[/i] She read through the checks quickly before the roof of her workshop opened and knight took flight, propelling itself on jets built into its feet and back.