[@KhKj] Here's my contribution. [hider=Aqua] Name: Aqua Age: 17 Gender: Male; Straight Personality: analytical,flexible,compassionate Appearance: (https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/naruto-world-rp/images/7/76/Blue_hair_profile.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20160704031025) Kingdom: Vale Weapon: Rainfall; a one-handed sword that is short. 3 feet from the base of the blade to the tip. Stormfall is another sword that is 5 feet from the bast of the blade to the tip of the blade. Semblance: Neptune's power; This semblance allows Aqua to channel water and or molecules of water onto her weapon and to pressure it to the point it can cut steel or encase the sword part in ice. He can use this in a defensive manner hardening ice around his form as a way of armor. Background: Aqua for the most part of his life was a bookworm when it came to research though in battle he was a battlemage/blue mage battle style using his allies skills to help his own skills in battle. After the fall of Beacon Aqua finds himself in the middle of either doing and remaining good but wanting to abide to his teacher's wishes while searching for his teammates secretly. [/hider]