Sayeeda nodded, imagining a younger Neil flitting about in a web of underworld conspiracies. It wasn't too difficult considering that was basically what he was doing now. Junebug didn't consider herself to be a criminal but it seemed that opinion was increasingly in opposition to the main body of thought on the topic. "Well given how badly Saxon seems to want to kill you, I suspect you might still be leaving some of the good bits out," she commened, falling back on the plush bed and letting her shoulder length hair fan out behind her. It was longer now than it had been at any time since her first day of officer training, she really ought to cut it. The Rimbalian Ale was a pleasant warmth in her stomach and she felt as calm and relaxed as she had in a long time. That was a little scary when she let herself think about it. Plenty of soldier got so hooked on the violent part of their work that they could never really reenter normal society. If one of her troopers had been arrested for beating someone to a pulp in a bar it would have made her wonder if he had started down that path. The guy had been threatening her with a shock baton but it still wasn't a comfortable thought. Neil had fallen silent and lain back on the bed so that their heads were upside down to each other. She wondered if he was thinking about Woods. It was hard to know with men what they might brush off and what they might take to heart. The air was pleasantly sultry and the buzz of the street outside was a dull roar. Junebug's hands hurt from the pounding she had given Xir, she wondered if it might not have been better to kill him. The next time they met he might just try shooting her in the back. A wolfish grin tugged at her lips. Well he might be thinking the same thing about her just now. A thought occurred to her and she realized that Neil certainly knew more about Saxon and Hexagalions than she did. "Neil, do you have any idea why Saxon's throat keeps sort of flushing red?" she asked. Neil sat up so quickly that she half rolled out of the bed, her hand unconciously questing for a weapon, but there was no threat, Neil merely looked shocked. He cleared his throat several times before he managed to stammer. "Ummm... well...look I'm not a xenobiologist but I'm pretty sure thats how they... you know... show they are interested." "Interested in wha..." the words died in her throat and inspite of herself she felt a blush steal over her olive skin. "Ah."