I tried my best to make her fit well within the lore. Let me know if you see any holes in the history and whatnot. :) [hider=Tarasynora Ilidove][center][color=A1C2E0][h2]Tarasynora Ilidove[/h2][/color] [url=https://youtu.be/45kf3GiKOP8?t=1048][img=]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/5a/74/f8/5a74f8eab1687ac402a5f51d907169c7.jpg[/img][/url] [sub]“We bring nothing with us into the world, and we bring nothing when we leave the world.”[/sub][/center] [color=A1C2E0][b][u]Age:[/u][/b][/COLOR] 32 [color=A1C2E0][b][u]Race:[/u][/b][/COLOR] Half Starfallen, Half Elf [color=A1C2E0][b][u]Origin:[/u][/b][/COLOR] The Imperium [color=A1C2E0][b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b][/COLOR] Scarlet hair frames the pale face of the half-elf, flowing down to the feminine curve of her hips. Although she is tall and slender, her body is filled out with wiry muscles that lay beneath the purple undertones of her skin. Many can’t pinpoint the exact mix of her race, but she is very obviously elvish, from the pointed ears to her smooth complexion. Although, when she casts her spells, her starfallen glow resonates from her pale eyes and in faint patterns that appear along her skin. Tara’s once gentle expression has been replaced with seriousness and she adopts a more assertive nature. Her bone structure matches the beauty of the female elves, while her presence is full of mystery and wonder. Tara is usually seen wearing different kinds of elven dresses that are adorned with beautiful ornaments and jewelry, since she takes pride in her noble heritage. [color=A1C2E0][b][u]Personality:[/u][/b][/COLOR] Tara is a woman who is constantly trying to balance the scales of her own heart and mind. Peace and harmony are what’s most important in her eyes so she tries to remain at peace with herself to allow her judgements to be unclouded and clear. While she is a protector of the innocent, she is often left vulnerable. Tara struggles with violence, but the order has been working to fix this aspect of her for her own self-preservation. Growing up as a peaceful advocate, the handle of a blade or the cry of war have always been foreign to her. Despite her absence with battle, Tara is braver than most and will go to great extents to properly portray her courage. Growing up as a noble, Tara was often an icon for peace and safety, so she made sure to become a woman worthy of the titles she was given—brave, caring, harmonious, intelligent, wise. [color=A1C2E0][b][u]History:[/u][/b][/COLOR] Tara was the daughter of two renowned individuals within the Imperium. Her father, a victorious war strategist, and her mother, a professor of pyromancy. It was expected that they would meet, considering their great contributions to the Imperium and their equally matched talents. It didn’t take long for them to fall in love and for them to conceive a beautiful child that bore the many valuable traits of the elves and the starfallen. After Tara, they began to have many more, living in a calm time while raising children. It seemed as if Tara was the reincarnation of many lives of wisdom so she became independent at a young age. Tara had a gentle heart since the day she was born, incapable of strategizing battle, and being too timid to control fire—so she decided to walk her own path that was parallel to her tranquil spirit. Her parents paid for private teachers and several tomes of knowledge that revolved around the art of restoration. Teachers came from several parts of the world, bestowing their knowledge unto Tara until her talents would follow the heels of her parents, and she was soon contributing to the Imperium and bringing honor to her family name. Becoming adept with the art of restoration was gratefully passed onto her, but the woman she became was from the purity of her heart and the future she saw for the world. Tara set off on a journey to visit the many corners of the world, all to help master her art of healing on the diversity of races that the world had to offer. This journey helped Tara to ground herself, opening her eyes to what the other cultures were like. Tara became one of the Imperiums greatest healers upon her return, and she began to work under her father when he ignited his great work again. This is where the divide of her family began. Tara was too involved with the peace of the people, regardless of how fragile it may be, while her father intended to break it for the sake of the elves reconquering Ioria. Tara stood against her father, and she had a sum of followers that admired her stance against her own father. Many of the elves were underlyingly greedy, so they supported her father’s rise to strategize an attack against the humans. Tara, unafraid and optimistic, stood in his path as much as she could, but it wasn’t long before her rise was threatening the movement of her father. Tara’s assassination was planned but it was poorly executed and failed. Thus, she was placed within the royal courts to ensure her safety, since the people valued and viewed Tara as an icon of wisdom and peace. The longer she influenced the people, the more she drew the hatred that tainted the people, so her enemies created a ploy to rid Tara of the Imperium altogether. Tara was framed for the successful assassination of her father as an act of revenge for her own assassination. The court saw this as a murder of one of the Imperium’s most respected and valuable assets, so they banished her from the city. Outside the city, her enemies waited with hate in their eyes and weapons in their hands—but she became saved by the Order of the Sacred Flame. She joined and Tara struggled within the order, but she survived and she maintained her life there for a year and counting. Learning more and more about combat and the things she once hated. She struggles to keep her inner balance, but she feels she is on a path to reveal the other side of her purity that she was so blind to before. [color=A1C2E0][b][u]Relationships:[/u][/b][/COLOR] N/A [color=A1C2E0][b][u]Skills:[/u][/b][/COLOR] Alchemy First Aid Anatomy of the races Throwing knives Slight archery Slight swordsmanship Music Cooking Sewing [color=A1C2E0][b][u]Magic:[/u][/b] [/COLOR] Attuned to Restoration, Advanced [color=A1C2E0][b][u]Equipment:[/u][/b][/COLOR] Sleeping equipment Flint and tinder Throwing knives Bow and arrows Dagger Textbook of the anatomy of races Alchemy supplies Leather armor Noble circlet from her heritage [/hider]