[hider=Seihdhara 2.0] [center][b][h1][color=DAA520][b]𝔖 𝔢 𝔦 𝔥 𝔡 𝔥 𝔞 𝔯 𝔞[/b][/color][/h1][/b] [img]https://i.imgur.com/tFsW02K.png?1[/img] [sub][i]Were the aggression of some not repelled by means of others, destruction would surely lay claim to all things.[/i][/sub][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/hugDZzh.png[/img][/center] [color=DAA520][sub][b]T I T L E S[/b][/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Seihdhara of the Red Hair, The Crimson Goddess, The Sanguine Protector[/color][/indent] [color=DAA520][sub][b]G E N D E R[/b][/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray]Female[/color][/indent] [color=DAA520][sub][b]A L I G N M E N T[/b][/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray][url=http://easydamus.com/neutralgood.html]Neutral Good[/url][/color][/indent] [color=DAA520][sub][b]V I S A G E[/b][/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray] [hider=Standard Appearance] [center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/4e77a07b6e47306ffefe4080055780a6/tumblr_ony0ksCpwt1uxzaf6o1_1280.jpg[/img][/center] [/hider] Seihdhara generally takes on the form of a tall, well-built woman. Her hair is a dark, sunset orange. Her eyes are a light green peppered with turquoise and elements of darker green. Her complexion is generally olive and freshly-sun-kissed due to her being frequently out and about. She is muscular enough to look fairly robust and like she means business in a fight. She is no stunner, but smiling comes easily to her - a broad, hearty smile, flashing teeth, that quite easily explodes into a laugh - and she has a pretty enough face (and given her tendency to rolls about in the hay with whoever strikes her fancy, it helps). Her athletic physique is an unabashed celebration of power, sensuality, and the primed feminine form. She flies in the face of the petite, shy, helpless, and virginal little girl (indeed, she physically dwarves near anybody). It makes her less woman more monstrosity in the eyes of some, but she cares little for them. She sports a [url=https://pixfeeds.com/images/tattoos/celtic-tattoos/1200-465927106-celtic-leaf-tattoo-design.jpg]tattoo on her back[/url], perfectly in the middle, beginning just below her shoulder blades its centre along her spine, and stopping short of her tailbone. She tends to be dressed in a loosely tied sleeve-less leather jerkin and a kilt, both light brown to orange. Her hair is a mess of tousled tresses while others have various beads and bits of jewellery tied into them. When necessary, she ties it back in a rough bun to keep it out of her eyes and face. When she actually takes the time to take care of herself properly, she gets to [url=https://78.media.tumblr.com/f5059064e0cc187de43f3773c1509521/tumblr_nkzfhwmjiP1robwe6o3_1280.jpg]braiding[/url] it. Mortal [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/4d/5d/1d/4d5d1dcb1ab1196d7acfaa3b33d0b97e.jpg]icons of her[/url] tend to depict her with long braided hair. When staying in the company of mortals, Seihdhara has no issues with conforming with more [url=https://i.imgur.com/tm0hStq.jpg]conservative dress codes[/url] - this is not out of any respect for arbitrary laws or customs or whatnot, she just enjoys getting into the ways and clothes of whoever she happens to be staying with. A simple necklace of red and yellow beads hangs at her neck. [/color][/indent] [color=DAA520][sub][b]S P H E R E[/b][/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray] [color=DAA520][b]TYPE:[/b][/color] Celestial [color=DAA520][b]NAME:[/b][/color] The Seal [color=DAA520][b]DESCRIPTION:[/b][/color] From Galbar, the Seal appears as a fiery nebulous cluster boasting a constellation of stars, which come together to take on the appearance of a great fiery comet tail, or perhaps it is the celestial reflection of Seihdhara's flaming hair whipping across the heavens and visible from horizon to horizon. Seihdhara personally thinks it looks like a [url=http://www.lanternpress.com/amzn/image/ps0/54936]seal[/url], which is why she has named her sphere the Seal. From within the Sphere, the vastness of space and the entropic Great Dark and the stars can readily be seen, as well as the numerous other Spheres - the closest of which is the desolate Sphere of Veradax. The blood-red light of the Horizon Grotto and fiery light of the Heliopolis meet and mix with the flame-orange of the Seal in a crimson celestial dance and embrace that leaves all on Galbar awed and humbled by the glory of the gods. The Seal is saturated with an electric energy and hotness that lights up the fires of ambition and life within all who enter, in defiance of all the entropic forces in the world, inspiring them to great feats while within. All things come together in the Seal to drive those who have come before the goddess of Martial Combat towards nothing less than excellence and martial glory. A path beaten into hardened mud leads from the entrance of the Seal to its centre, where there stands a stone circle. Within said circle is an oak grove, at the centre of which is a particularly majestic oak tree with leaves of burning flame. Cinder and ash fall from it and are carried for a short distance before settling on the warm earth within the circle from which grows grass tall and red. 'Red-haired Folk', as they are known, are those rare individuals born with red hair or fur, or whose hair or fur abruptly or gradually turns red. Such rare folk, it is generally known, are blessed with martial prowess by the Seal's energies seemingly at random. Not every person with red hair is of the Red-haired Folk, so there can be red-haired people who are not martially blessed. Strong Heroes who can pass from sphere to sphere can attempt the arduous journey from Galbar to the Seal. If they can reach it then the Seal is a good place for them to train, as it is to all extents and purposes a school of Martial Combat. There will eventually be a Gateway direct from the Seal to Galbar which should make the journey easier. Stone circles and oak groves, when this gateway is established, can function as gateways to the Seal during certain parts of the year or during certain great cosmic events if particular rituals are carried out. These rituals often involve displays of martial prowess, or at the very least displays of sincere willingness to learn. This is not an easy journey and 9 out 10 will die in the process even if the timing is right and ritual is satisfactory. There will eventually be a gateway between the Lustrous Garden and the Seal so that those injured in the Seal may be healed. This will be after Asceal has explored healing. Going through this gate will not be an easy journey and 7 out 10 will die in the process. There is no immediate link between the Seal and the Great Dark, but there may possibly be one when Seihdhara and Melantha get to know each other. There is no immediate link between the Seal and So'E, but there is potential for interaction byfuture creations of Li'Kalla with the Seal and Seihdhara. Thanks to the World Tree, and as Seihdhara does not do anything to resist the World Tree's influence on her sphere, the Seal is full of life and vegetation everywhere. All vegetation in the Seal extends from the branches and leaves of the World Tree, so they have no roots of their own. The great oak tree with flaming leaves in the centre of the Stone Circle in the seal is, in fact, a great branch of the World Tree. On the World Tree's side, the influence of the Seal can create branches that can actually move and fight the closer when gets to the Seal. One can expect to have to actively fight their way through branches in order to finally reach the Seal. The Seal's link with the Heliopolis is indeterminate. The Seal's link with the Horizon Grotto is multifaceted and will be in the Wiki. The Seal's link with the Fengshui Fuyou is indetermiante. The Seal's link with the Sky of Pyres is indeterminate. The Seal's link with the Blue is indeterminate. The Seal's link with Spekatha is indeterminate. The Seal's link with the Obervatory is indeterminate. The Sphere directly below the Seal is Veradax. Those travelling between Sphere may get to the Seal when their hope and will to live overcomes the emptiness and desolation of Veradax. It will require physically moving closer to where the Seal's energies and those of Veradax meet, whereupon one will fall into the Seal. On the other side, one moving towards Veradax will grow ever more hopeless and resigned until they come to the meeting point of energies and fall into Veradax. This is not an easy journey and 9 out 10 will die in the process. As one approaches the Infinite Maze from the Seal, proving circles begin appearing, confusing warriors into thinking they can spar in there, only for them to fall into the Maze. This is not an easy journey and 9 out 10 will die in the process. [/color][/indent] [color=DAA520][sub][b]P O R T F O L I O[/b][/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray] [centre][b]Martial Combat[/b][/centre] Seihdhara's focus is primarily on displays of physical force and physical violence, it is this that Seihdhara seeks to teach and cultivate. Martial Combat includes armed and unarmed forms of combat, as well as the base bodily strength and health required for optimal performance. Moreover, for Seihdhara Martial Combat does not only involve the skills necessary to defeat opponents, it also involves principles of how such skill is to be used, against whom, and under what conditions. While not fussed by arbitrary notions like honour, Seihdhara does look with approval upon clemency and the quest to prove one's martial prowess in glorious one-on-one combat, blow-for-blow. [color=DAA520][sub][b]A B I L I T I E S O F N O T E[/b][/sub][/color][hr][list] [*][url=https://powerlisting.wikia.com/wiki/Absolute_Combat][b]Absolute Combat[/b][/url]: Seihdhara has achieved the highest level of combat proficiency (armed and unarmed) and is capable of performing exceptional martial feats even for a god. This is a passive ability but can be further enhanced with Might during combat situations. [/list][/color][/indent] [color=DAA520][sub][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/b][/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray] [centre][img]https://i.imgur.com/9iyCdIG.png?1[/img][/centre] [i]Headstrong, Independent, Stubborn, Kind, Sensitive, Sincere, Honest, Loyal, Loving, Friendly, Caring, Impulsive, Protective, Athletic, Headstrong, Charismatic, Considerate, Assertive, Spirited, Polyamorous, Impatient, Passionate, Merciful, Sympathetic, Open-Minded, Unpunctual, Sensuous, Temperamental, Sentimental, Forceful, somewhat Volatile, Curious, Self-Reliant, Cheerful, Intuitive, Energetic, Forgiving, Individualistic, Courageous, Trusting, Petty, Incurably Joyous, Fearless, Competitive, Optimistic, Warm, Dominating, Emotional, Lively, Altruistic, Rebellious, Adventurous, Romantic, Benevolent, Astute, Disorganised.[/i] In her natural and relaxed state, Seihdhara lives in the moment, full of joy and life. In that sense, she is more of a force than a living being, bringing her aura of good cheer and fullness of life wherever she dashes. Her actions may appear to onlookers as random and in-the-moment. Such an observation is not far from the mark. The goddess enjoys a good laugh - has a good sense of humour, if she says so herself. A light-hearted story with plenty of jokes is right up her alley and is sure to garner both approval and appreciatve laughs from her. Stories she tells may not necessarily be funny, and perhaps those she laughs at are not humorous enough to warrant such a reaction, but Seihdhara actively seeks joy and will use any excuse to be joyful and cause joy. Despite some of her terminological idiosyncrasies, Seihdhara is for the most-part articulate, even if that does not translate into prose poetry. She is expressive and can be charismatic, though her quick smile and ready laugh swiftly do away with any impression of distant genius or esoteric mystery. She is unafraid of exposure in that regard. Seihdhara is not vengeful, and will swiftly forget minor offences - but she does not see a reason to hide how she is feeling, and that can mean she may over-react to minor things in the moment only to return to her friendly and excitable self some time later. Despite this, Seidhara is sensitive to the emotions of others and will regulate her own words and actions as appropriate. She also takes on the emotions of others rather easily - thus when speaking with a perosn who is happy she will reflect that happiness, likewise with one who is sad, and numerous other emotions. While she may yell or strike out when angry, her anger dissipates as quickly as it arises. She is not prone to retreating into herself or being sombre for long periods. This is much the case with all her emotions - she feels intensely in the moment and has no qualms sharing that with whoever is available (whether joy, misery, anger, or whatever else). This willingness to expose her emotions does not come from a place of weakness. It emerges from the conviction that, ultimately, unveiling these emotions so honestly does her and those around her a degree of good and that in any case no one can truly use them against her - anyone who thinks they can will quickly come to realise that she can deal with them quite efficiently. She is, after all, an apex predator; she harms and is not harmed, protects and has no need for protection, renders kindness and asks none for it, frees and can never herself be unfree. She glories in her unrestrained martial prowess and views with approval all those who seek glory by bringing their body to the zenith of martial might. [/color][/indent] [color=DAA520][sub][b]M U S I C P I E C E[/b][/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray] [center][youtube]https://youtu.be/TgiTB2NFvAM[/youtube][/center] [/color][/indent] [color=DAA520][sub][b]C O D E W O R D[/b][/sub][/color][hr][indent][color=gray] Seihdhara has been [i]in[/i] the [i]tropic[/i] region before, but even the monsoons couldn't put out her hair. [/color][/indent] [/hider]