She didn't catch his frown as she settled comfortably against him. The knight smiled as held her close and closed her eyes for a moment as she enjoyed the peaceful moment, oblivious to Crow's inner turmoil. When the thief finally pulled away from her, she leaned back against the tree and nodded her head reluctantly. With her belly now full from the supper Gavin had made, laying down for the night sounded like a wonderful idea. As he offered her his hand, she hesitated to take it merely because she wasn't sure how stable he was. Penelope eventually grabbed it, realizing he was bracing himself against the tree, and carefully got up to her feet. Since they had been on the ground for a while, she had to lean against the tree slightly in order to find a bit of balance. Once she had, she laced her fingers with his and slowly stepped away from the tree so they could begin to head over to where the bed was located. The knight walked slowly at his side, occasionally having to lightly lean on him to recover her balance. She had at least improved a bit from the last time she had been walking. As they reached the bed, she let go of his hand and clumsily lowered herself back to the ground. She shifted a bit, both to get more comfortable as well as give him room to lay besides her. Once he did, she leaned over and pressed a tender kiss to his lips. She pulled back and settled contently against him for the night. "Goodnigh' Crow.. I love you." she murmured. Letting out a soft exhale, she closed her eyes and gave into the weariness that she felt. Her breathing grew softer as she sunk into a deep sleep rather quickly besides him.