[hr][hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180414/59b76bf7b5b78d2bb3d2a7fb86019d1b.png[/img] [img]https://s22.postimg.cc/exf37m2ld/61505d6c13788097b94e810cbf726d2d.png[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][@Morose][@Nallore][@FantasyChic][@LadyRunic][@KazAlkemi][/center][hr][hr] [@LadyRunic] "Uh, my name is Tatl and I'm a student here, duh! You are wandering around a school you know! What are you doing here? You are too old to be a student and doubt you'd be hired as a teacher!" she said, still buzzing around Richard when a [url=https://media.istockphoto.com/photos/portrait-of-a-boy-lyingresting-his-head-on-his-hand-picture-id1078573238?k=6&m=1078573238&s=612x612&w=0&h=g6DmlDBVguIAaT2P61xGjiYouUQm0nV_GYX60PsnhVY=]young boy[/url] who looked to be around the same age as the girl came flying down the hallway with a pair of wings identical to hers, except they were much darker in color. "Hey, whatcha doing Tatl?" he asked, zipping around and round in circles around Richard. "I got bored, and he ran into me!" she responded, pointing a finger at Richard. "This is my brother Tael by the way before you ask anymore stupid questions." [hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=007236]Marygold Isley[/color] and [color=8493ca]Mirembe Adebayo[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/BQpV8zJr/giphy.gif[/img] [color=007236][b]Location:[/b] Outside[/color][/center][hr][hr] [color=007236]"Call it a bit of a lucky guess,"[/color] she responded with a smile, not wanting to tell him what it was that she had done to figure that one out. [color=7ea7d8]"Dean, I didn't go break into the Pentagon just to steal one hat you know, I'm not that stupid,"[/color] Pietro said with an eye roll, [color=7ea7d8]"What do you take me for, an amateur? No, I didn't just steal one hat... I broke into the Pentagon to steal two hats, there is a big difference there! Thought Guina might enjoy having one, now to go find her to give it to her..."[/color] he added as he pulled out another hat identical to the one he was wearing with a bit of a smirk before he raced off again. Mary just rolled her eyes slightly at Pietro before he raced away, of course he'd do that. Honestly it made her wonder just what exactly it was that he carried around all of the time besides a box worth of Twinkies. The guy was a major Kleptomaniac, so she figured that anything that had gone missing in the mansion likely was his doing, made sense in her mind anyway. She turned now to look over at Storm and gave her a bit of a smile. [color=007236]"Hey there Storm, how have you been? Clearly not too busy to come on by here... What exactly are you doing here anyway? I haven't seen you show up around here in a while."[/color] [color=C4C4C7]"It has been some time now hasn't it? Wouldn't be surprised if I was the only person to show up to be honest. Reason I figured that Quicksilver was wanting to rush off more quickly than I would have expected before back in Wakanda, I suspect that he likely was sent to play messenger for Xavier... He wished to talk to us about a few things, not too sure what it was exactly."[/color] [color=007236]"So, everyone else is coming back too? That's great! It certainly has been a while... Anyway, fairly certain that the Professor is in his office right now, and it is getting a bit dark outside, so we might want to see about heading in anyways..."[/color] she said, before turning back towards the mansion and walking back towards the entrance. Mira had remained fairly quiet throughout the entire conversation, just thinking about the fact that Storm had come back to the mansion. It had been a while, since she had been in Wakanda, so it made her want to ask a bunch of questions. However, she knew that it was likely that Storm might be somewhat tired from her journey across the ocean, so she figured she'd try talking to her a little bit later. Not to mention that she had a game to get back to, and she headed back inside [hr][hr][center][color=yellow][h1]Lance Banner[/h1][/color] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/4dXNZnJG/giphy.gif[/img][hr][color=yellow]Location: Chemical Lab - First Sub-Basement[/color][/center][hr][hr] [color=yellow]"Bye Guin..."[/color] Lance called after her. [color=yellow]"I've already sort of washed it off, it should be alright..."[/color] he said to Annie, as she'd be able to finish wrapping up his hand. It was going to be sore for a while, that much was obvious, but there wasn't much he could really do about it now. He had been a bit careless and let his anger get the better of him, which was something he was not too thrilled about. The conversation between him and his father came back to his mind, causing him to take a few deep breaths in order to remain calm, before turning to address the others. Lance wasn't too thrilled at everyone being in the lab suddenly like that, it was a bit annoying. He generally came to the lab to get away from everyone else, but turns out others wanted to show up and bug him or something. [color=yellow]"...I didn't exactly drop it, I more of... Um... Smashed it..."[/color] he mumbled softly, correcting what Bethany had said slightly. It was not something he was too thrilled about, that was for sure. And he was still mad at himself for letting his anger get the better of him like that. [hr][hr] [@Morose][@FantasyChic] (put this one down at the bottom since Pietro had raced off during Mary and Mira's post) Pietro races into the library, and runs right over to Sara and Neil. [color=7ea7d8]"Hey, you guys haven't by chance seen Guina anywhere? Honestly, thought I'd ask before I went zipping throughout the entire mansion looking for her, probably annoy more than a few people about it... So, know where she is?"[/color] he asked, looking between the two of them, [color=7ea7d8]"Uh, hope I wasn't interrupting something..."[/color]