[img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/88f16a8e-2dc7-4ac1-ac2a-d8fdb27cbad0.png[/img] Ivan had narrowly missed taking Kakra's head off with the first swing but he had drawn blood and that fueled his lust for more. Kakra had tried to speak to him to convince him of his folly, but Ivan could not hear her. The whole world sounded like it was underwater, making her words distorted and unclear. Ivan followed up his swing by dropping the hoe and charging at Kakra to tackle her to the ground. However, she had been ready for him. As Ivan threw his weight into Kakra he had expected her to crumble, but instead, she stood her ground sliding across the field digging furrows with her feet. As Ivan's momentum was halted he noticed that she had not yielded an inch to his strength even with his arms wrapped around her. Ivan had not anticipated such power in a girl so small. Kakra raised her arms above her head, forcing his own off her, and delivered a powerful blow to Ivan's back and forcing him to bow at her feet. Kakra then did something no one her size had any business being able to do. She wrapped her arms around Ivan's waist and hoisted him into the air. Ivan was a man of five hundred pounds of granite and Kakra held him as if he was a stuffed animal. Ivan couldn't even get his bearings before she dropped him on his head and delivered a powerful kick to his back. He was sent rolling through the grass with shattered parts of his body lying in the grass around him. Ivan didn't move as the stones scattered around him and buried in the dirt merged with his body to repair the damage. The girl was powerful, he admitted, and she wouldn't go down easy. He needed to at least be able to trade damage with her if he was to have any chance at victory. His special sight scanned the area and fell upon a familiar visage. The structure of steel and stone that had been coated in the viscera of the troll still stood in the grass. However, the rats had eaten away all the bone and flesh and what was left behind was a sight to behold. The shape was a bit bent and hard to see if you weren't looking at from the right angle, but Ivan could see it clearly. The rats had revealed a figure that looked like a hunched over troll made of blood-soaked spikes of steel and sharp stones. Ivan had made that pattern to bind the creature in place by piercing every inch of its body. It now gave him an idea. Without warning Ivan sprang to his feet and rushed towards the horrific looking monument. He only needed to place his hand upon it to invoke his power. If not stopped upon touching the stone Ivan would animate the structure causing it to spread apart and cling to him molding to the shape of his body. The outcome would be Ivan donning the worlds most demonic set of armor. The steel spikes and sharp stones that now coated his body were adjusted to face away from his joints to allow easier freedom of movement. His head would fuse with his chest as a cone of stone spiraled upward into a crown of massive spikes. His hands were coated in a set of sharp gauntles that ended in long stone claws with metal spikes pressed into the knuckles. Kakra would not be able to see his face, but Ivan glared at her through the armor. He would then charge at her with his arms outstretched with the full intention of impaling. He intended to do to her what he did to the troll and make a new monument of gore out of her body.