[@Williwaw][@Duoya][@Plank Sinatra][@Krayzikk] [h3]Convention Floor - Dianoid, District 15[/h3] The duo of money-makers, upon hiding themselves in the booth, found themselves squished up next to Mr Idemitsu, who as a non-powered person living in Academy City, had decided that discretion was the better part of valour. Particularly when he wasn't entirely sure as to the armed individuals' motives for this attack. Though if he could make a guess, given the involvement of his employers in the running of the convention, it probably had something to do with the Orbit Portal Company, like [b]the trailer footage for the new Kanamin season[/b]. Not that he was paid for such musings, but it was a possible explanation. In any case, he was sitting right next to the two Esper children, alongside his fashion disaster and colleague Megumi Motome. "They must have burning questions for us," whispered the aforementioned woman across from them (though not by much, given that they were all squished up behind a booth). "I don't think answering them was in the job description for today." "It wasn't." "That's a joke, Idemitsu. 'Not negotiating with terrorists' is merely basic company policy." Megumi Motome took off her sunglasses. In the darkness of the convention floor, they weren't very helpful. Nor stylish. "Anyway," she continued, voice quiet and low. "I don't know what precautions they have taken with regards to the police, but I do know one thing: anyone on the outside just will not have good information on what happens in here." The Dianoid was riddled with screens that showed off the happenings in other areas of the building, but given the loss of power on the convention floor, they were essentially isolated from the outside world, and vice versa. "Unless we get back into the system downstairs." Megumi shuffled into a crouching position, inching her faux-hawked head up like a periscope to peek over the booth. [b]Two of the armed con-jackers were not too far from them, having taken up positions that when taking the booth into consideration, was akin to a triangle[/b]. One was on her walkie-talkie, but it was difficult to hear what she was saying from where they were. However, there was one thing that was clear. That armed woman was looking right in the direction of the Orbit Portal Company booth. "I would certainly love to do that," replied the woman quietly and hurriedly as she dropped back down and out of view. "But it doesn't look like we can." "They want us, then?" asked Idemitsu. "Bingo, ding ding." That was a problem. Kyuuichiro Idemitsu thought over their options. Neither he nor his colleague were Espers, making a direct confrontation very moot. However, the two children next to them did appear to be students, and given the circumstances, they were more likely to find success in actually escaping the convention floor. The company was unlikely to pay them, but Idemitsu decided that it was still the most ideal way out of their mess. "If we caught their attention," he began, glancing over at Beppu and Haruma. "How willing would you two be to sneak to the elevators and restart the systems? And if possible, retrieve ... Kanamin trailer footage." He decided to add one more thing. "You will both be rewarded." [hr][@DarkwolfX37][@Crusader Lord][@ERode] [h3]Stage - Dianoid, District 15[/h3] Akari's modified watch would discover that there were many signals propagating throughout the stage area, mostly resulting from the many mobile phones present. However, if she was able to dig through the noise, it would become apparent to her that there was a secure link between the concert security booth where their hostage-taker was holed up in and the entertainment drones that were buzzing around above them, with the one that had tried (and failed) to crush Yu-ri rising, battered, back into the air. None of the trapped Iguchi fans had been prevented from contacting the outside world, but actual escape seemed quite difficult to pull off. The hole that Yu-ri had cut into the door was still present, and was large enough to convey a small someone like its creator through, but the drone that had tried to kill her earlier was already moving to block it. Elsewhere in the crowd, the black-clad figure wearing a SECURITY armband that Shion had seen earlier was escorting a tall South Asian man closer to the wall, hopefully to find blind spots in the security booth's cameras.