[quote=@The Harbinger of Ferocity] I have become so accustomed to nightmares and or disquieting imagery that when I would be afflicted with one, I haven't much a reaction. It has become so common place and desensitized me to the stimuli that I find myself consciously rebuking the horror. For some reason or another, this works and I am left finding myself suddenly awake, free of the grips of the scenario. That has come to work with what would be sleep paralysis as well and I seem to retain an sizable amount of autonomy over myself. [/quote] Unironicly this reasaults in nightmares turning into inception-esque action movies with [i]that one self-aware antagonist[/i] sabatoging your 'get out of the shit free' cards. Then I wake up and be like "fuck this, GO BACK" It's like I got server-banned from my own nightmare for hax.