Darin tried to relax the way she been told. It wasn’t as easy as it sounded. She constantly felt like she was going to fall off. And every time she did, she tensed up again. Maybe if she found something to distract her. After coming to that conclusion, the human decided to study her companion. Her sword was beautiful, but Darin had to admit that she didn’t know if it was practical. She supposed it was. She couldn’t imagine this warrior having anything that wasn’t. Darin responded to her offer as politely as she knew how, “Thank you but I have a knife. I just don’t know how to use it, so I keep it in my pack.” Darin knew it wasn’t an impressive knife, and it certainly wasn’t made for fighting. It was on of the butcher’s knifes. It wasn’t too long, Darin felt powerful using it. She knew it wasn’t much, but she had managed to use it to get away from the people who stole her pack mule. They had been planning to do something horrible to her, and they still thought she was a boy. She shuddered at the thought of what they would do with her if they had found out she was a girl. Darin continued, “Though if you could teach me how to use it that would be great.” She supposed she actually had two weapons, but she wasn’t using the second one for anything. It was a seem ripper the seamstress had given her. Darin had accidently poked herself on it just by tapping the end of it. It was sharper than her knife, and Darin wanted to keep it that way. She knew that the sharper it was the easier it would be to get The Seed out. That reminded Darin. She asked a question she didn’t think would get a straight answer, “Who are you looking for? She must be important if you’re getting visions about her. Is she some sort of Elf princess? Do Elves even have princesses?” Darin knew she wasn’t going to get a straight answer. Why would she? The mission that Ridahne sounded super important; like hers, and she was doing her best not to talk about it. It was just that an hour was a long time to spend in silence. Darin didn’t want things to get anymore awkward than they already were. After all, she had basically agreed to this woman teaching her some self-defense. Darin looked at the frankly scary looking knifes. She wanted to come out of the training, however brief, in one piece. She knew she was going to get injured at least once, but if she was lucky it would be minor.