[center][IMG]https://i.imgur.com/j4reGhD.png[/IMG][/center] Getting back Ozzy was still a little miffed about the whole thing. The first job and well, while it did go as planned it wasn't nearly as peaceful as he had hoped. If anything the hounds and later the rumors put Ozzy at ill ease. Maybe something worse was coming to this place. Getting back to the Guild House wasn't that big a deal and with a sack full of a days pay, Ozzy was happy to finally contribute. [color=gold]"Not bad for a first day. Could be better but atleast we got the dangerous bits out of our system."[/color] He got the door for Morgan and held out the sack. [color=gold]"Success!"[/color] He said proudly. [color=gold]"Money in the bank."[/color] What happened next would be a combination of asking questions and catching up. He met Talia and introduced himself and then had a chance to gush over the dragons Vara and Nagre. With Freyr, while they didn't get the torrent of information about their particular species, Ozzy was more than happy to introduce himself and get their take on things, a social butterfly flitting from person to person. A wave to Yang as she went to train, and a happy exchange with Halley. He then would offer to help with the hole, holding up boards with a claw and then using his free hand to hammer the nails in. Didn't get too far that day but it was nice to do something constructive. Literally. [hr] That night, he sat himself down among the others. He was looking forward to another night of meeting the others. [color=gold]"Yang, do you usually practice by yourself? I can imagine the forms yes, but you dont spare right. I ran into a dog today and to be frank, I didn't get too far with it. Thought I was a goner for a sec."[/color] Less than subtle way to ask if he could get a lesson. Before getting into it though, there was a sudden rise in tension. Bart and Neil were going at it. Something about the jobs they decided to take on. Ozzy didn't know the whole story, knowing that yes there were a few that had something to do with them but from what Ozzy determined before, the country was in danger. Hailey got insulted, Neil got physical, and Ozzy took a step, doing as Hailey did, harpy gotta harpy. His hand pushed on both of their shoulders and attempted to push them back from each other. [color=gold]"Will you both settle down!?"[/color] He just didn't want them hurting each other, or anyone else. [color=gold]"Morgan and I were all the way north in the swamp and we saw the Varajan there too! They're invading the country and we're a mercenary company! Getting involved is going to happen whether we want to or not!"[/color]