Süne didn't visit proper civilization all that often. In a way, he was thankful for how Snowstep separated him from the town. Few would brush up close against the chilling mist that drifted off a Frallion. Not that sparse flows of people so early in the morning were truly a crowd. But it was still more than Süne's entire roving tribe. But so far from home, he needed somewhere else to resupply, and so to Toran he came. He also needed somewhere to store all his paintings! His journey south to Toran had been long, but quite fruitful. Swallest, Soelbe, Yosoku and Leadro, Weddelbek, Omu, Amar, and Albion, his arrows of capture had caught them all. Only the Albion had evaded a single arrow, but even that small and nimble creature couldn't avoid the third. And well, once the creature was in his employ, he could have it sit still as long as he liked for a portrait. He had stored all his paintings as well as he could for the journey, but their number made keeping them safe quite a chore now. Süne now looked for a bank or perhaps art gallery? He didn't really want to display his art to the world until he had finished his quest, but he wasn't sure how much it costed to have his paintings stored as securely as a bank would. But maybe the art gallery would also have those who specifically knew how to take care of paintings. A conundrum, surely. He'd probably have to talk to some people to figure it out. ~~ After storing away his paintings, ultimately at a bank, which apparently had a system in place for securely and safely shipping artifacts to a few other major cities. Süne wasn't sure how long he'd stay in the Toran area, so catching up later with his paintings in another area was something he was willing to pay a premium for. However, on that note, he figured he might want to actually take the Rites a little more seriously. The logistical requirements of capturing and/or painting every Natrelmon might involve a little more money than he had expected. He had heard that the Arenas awarded an infusion of funds if defeated, though that might be simply a rumor. Still, it wouldn't hurt at the least, unless there was a door charge to prevent frivolous challenges. But they'd tell him about that before challenging, right? Still, perhaps it would be a bit rude to challenge so early in the morning, with the sun barely peeking above the horizon. Süne decided to scour the wilds one more time before challenging the Toran Arena. ~~ Süne had managed to hunt down a Sakura-re, a beautiful blossom natrelmon, who probably wouldn't have all that great of a time in the Toran Arena, renowned for its fire Types. Süne took some time to chose his natrelmon for the Arena challenge. Albion was for certain, it resisted fire, was among his strongest, and would teach him much of the ways of magic with Dragon's strange natural connections to it. Leadro was a tough choice, but at least it was neutral defensively, and had access to Water for offense. Eletta was brought along, despite being utterly useless, to hopefully learn something from watching the others fight. Süne wasn't sure how a slab of ice did that, but apparently it could. Finally, Süne decided to bring Sakura-re anyway. He was aware it would probably have an awful time, if brought out to battle, but apparently Natrelmon could learn greatly from fighting battles they were ill-suited for. And Süne definitely wanted to have an opportunity to paint its later forms. Süne, four arrows in his quiver, the rest left with Frallion outside, left tied to a nearby lamp, went to challenge the Toran Arena.