Felt like finishing all the bastards I created in my free time, since no one is here and might not care and yet I still wanna show off, imma drop em here. Ignore I guess. More will come. [hider= Shemyaza - God of Law] [center][color=Goldenrod][h2]S H E M Y A Z A[/h2][/color] [hr] [img][/img][/center] [hr] [center][color=Gray][sup][/sup][/color][/center] [h3]B A S I C M Y T H[/h3] [color=Goldenrod][sub]N A M E[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray]Shemyaza[/color][/indent] [color=Goldenrod][sub]G E N D E R[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray]Male[/color][/indent] [color=Goldenrod][sub]A L I G N M E N T[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray]Chaotic Good[/color][/indent] [color=Goldenrod][sub]V I S A G E[/sub][/color] [indent] [hider=LAW-GIVER] [img]https://static1.squarespace.com/static/54243095e4b07ee637a9f812/t/5c27dcce352f53619ac86129/1546116308246/samyaza-revivef.jpg?format=1500w[/img] [/hider][/indent] [h3]D I V I V E H Y M N S[/h3] [color=Goldenrod][sub]S P H E R E[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray]Ylohem[/color] [color=gray][list][*]TYPE: Celestial[/list][/color] [color=gray][list][*]LOCATION: Upper Realms[/list][/color] [color=gray][list][*]DESCRIPTION: The gilded court of Shemyaza shines brightly in the Galbarian Sky, a symbol of percipience to all those who gaze upon its eminence. Simple in function yet wholly opulent and magnificent in appearance, the Ylohem complex acts as the center of law and ethics in all the universe, no code created under the sun does not yet first pass through Shemyaza’s bench, subject to his righteous scrutiny before passing judgment. The halls of mable inlaid with gold and encrusted with precious jewels hold within them countless law, law theories, skews, ideas, all penned or inspired by Shemyaza for both the past, prenset and future. Within the center of the complex stands Shemyaza’s great court, a massive hall dedicated souly to the administration of matters in accordance with the rule of all law.[/list][/color][/indent] [color=Goldenrod][sub]P O R T F O L I O[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray][b]Law[/b]: All working systems from simple to complex are governed by a set of laws. Whether the system may be one of nature; doctrines in moral, political, and legal theory understood universally and objectively through the reasons of intellegant life, existing independently of their understanding, and of the positive law of a given state, political order, legislature or society at large. To physical law; an omnipotent system in which everything in the universe complies with, absolute in its function and observable in action. Less a governor of the cosmic variety and more an administrator of the natural variety, Shemyaza is a god laboring intensely creating and working within the complex systems of intelligent life’s political, societal, and ethical frameworks, guiding them along their path to civilization, with them creating laws bound not by his ideals, but by their own. By his hands, commandments tied to a civilization practicing the unclean remain steeped in the unclean, either banning the ethical practices of basic hygiene or establishing the required worship of an unclean idol. Or if it so happens that from uncleanliness they wish to flee, laws encouraging cleanliness, punishments for the dirty and unwashed, and practices pertaining to a pagan deity are inspired. [/color][/indent] [h3] P E R S O N A L I A [/h3] [color=Goldenrod][sub]P E R S O N A[/sub][/color][indent][color=gray]Just like there are two sides to every story, there are two sides to every being. Shemyaza’s duality comes in the form of how other perceive him and who he is on a personal level. Furthermore; Shemyaza, akin to many, has three sides of himself. Not truly three distinct personalities, nevertheless, he has three ways of looking at things: contemplative, direct, or dubious. His emotional set consists of a phlegmatic disposition, generally unemotional and stolidly calm. Which usually leads to assumptions of a depressed, cynical being, but bitterness and hate has yet to taint his soul. He still has an optimistic view of the world, harbors idealistic dreams, and naively believes that some gods can be trusted. Shemyaza maintains no disillusion about the machinations of god nor the state the world may be in, however. But it’s a testament to his integrity and righteousness, how he will remain an honest and a responsible god. In tenser situations, Shemyaza is: controlled, focused, steady, and conscientious of his surroundings. Every decision is made cautiously and pragmatically; he's vigilant in his efforts and never impulsive. He strives to apply the same manner of thinking to every facet of his life. This is why he doesn't interfere in every dispute and is content with watching until needed. When it comes to Shemyaza’s ability to handle sudden changes and disagreement, his open-mind enables a high degree of adaptability. Because of that, he's able to be tolerant and forgiving of ignorance; whether he's willing to, differs from scenario-to-scenario. But to avoid any interactions outside of his legal duties, he projects a rough, cold exterior. He even goes as far as exiling himself, which further lends to the mysterious lone wolf persona he has adopted. This facade is obviously a guise however, as evident in his altruistic behavior. Once his icy shell has been broken, his warm nature will shine through and the courteous, cultured individual with a unique sense of humor and charm will be revealed.[/color][/indent] [color=Goldenrod][sub]H Y M N[/sub][/color] [indent][youtube][/youtube][/indent] [color=Goldenrod][sub]W O R D O F C O D E[/sub][/color] [indent][color=gray]Indecision[/color][/indent] [/hider]