[center][h1]Zekron[/h1] [hr] Zekron nodded in acknowledgement at the woman before turning towards the door of his room and walking inside and shutting the door. Once he was in the room, which was relatively well furnished, he began to look around for any sort of viewing device that would allow someone to watch him. Seeing none he cast another Dispel Magic spell, which caused the Change Self illusion he cast earlier to dissipate, revealing his true, putrid form. Preferring to let his mana regenerate, the old lich shambled over to a nearby desk instead of levitating and sat down before going back over everything that had just happened. Apparently events were going to be held soon. Stroking his chin in thought, Zekron wondered just what these [i]events[/i] would entail. Fights perhaps? Puzzles of some kind? Whatever the case, he would be ready.[/center]