[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/WKdecqD.png[/img] [/center] [sup][@Atrophy][/sup] [b][code]St. Mercer Hospital - Lobby[/code][/b] [hr] “How the fuck do we kill that thing?” There were a few moments of total silence was Britney merely stared at Penny, before her eyes drifted over to the floor and she was silent for what felt like minutes. After an actual minute passed, Britney opened her mouth to say the words that have been prodding at her for ages now. What has been making her feel more and more guilty as time went on, for Claire and the deaths of everyone else. [i]"... I don't know."[/i] Britney just out and said it, she knew that a lot of people would hate her. "[i]Billions[/i] of people tried to kill that thing and not one person could do it..." The group had mixed reactions. Justin, for one, kept his opinions to himself, because he still hasn't heard the full story and still gives Britney the benefit of the doubt. For now, at the very least. However, Kimberly and Jordan had different ideas. "Then what the fuck were you leading us around for?" Jordan loudly hissed as she was realizing that this crazy bitch was going to get them all killed. A little while ago, this girl was her friend; being one of the only black people in this racist ass backwater hilly billy ass town. Now Jordan detests Britney's very existence and is close to shoving her fucked up leg up this giant's girl ass. "I was hoping that John would have a way..." Britney trailed off for a moment. "But I guess he was just as in over his head as we are against the Glutton..." "John was a bastard that killed a bunch of people." Justin quickly noted. "Hell, for all we know, he could have working with the Glutton." "So, from what I can tell," Kimberly said as she crossed her arms. "You knew everything about the Glutton and what was going on in the town - you just didn't know how to fix what was going on?" Kimberly contorted her face into a frown as she tried not to sound too passive aggressive. She hated being tugged around like this, but she didn't have much choice. "... I have a better question for you, Britney Williams," The group heard a voice speak through the halls as she walked up. The first thing they saw as she walked into view was the bright red-haired girl who had her hair in a ponytail and was a heavy winter coat and jeans. She had a massive hunting knife in her left hand that was bloodied that she used to wipe off on her coat as she asked the simple question "... Why did you bury a body in my front yard?" "... What?" Jordan said as she arched her neck towards Britney. "What is she talking about?" "Sharon..." Britney trailed off. "Or better yet..." The sigil that was on Sharon's stomach started glowing a bright color as she pressed her fingertips against it and suddenly the group was all put into the same vision... [quote][i]Suddenly the group was back on John Reid's farmhouse, and they were all transparent third parties within the vision. Everything beyond a very small radius was imperceptible due to an ethereal fog. The scene was quiet as it focused the body of Andrea Pasternack... A rather pretty, tall, blonde-haired girl that was completely mangled by a swarm of insects that Sharon unintentionally summoned. Her body rested there at the foot of the Reid Household, as she fell simply seconds before getting away to safety. However, the first to step outside was Britney Williams, who noticed her before making a sickened face before she simply stared at the glowing brand on Andrea's forearm. Britney knelt down to touch the sigil before she came to an abrupt stop as the sigils on her palms began to glow. The wheat colored energy covered both sides of Andrea's body as roots sprang forth and covered her dead body before they pulled her into the ground. Britney manifested more plants simply to cover her tracks. Before Britney stood straight up, sighing and moved on.[/i][/quote] Everyone turned their heads towards Britney, and even Justin, who was trying to play the devil's advocate in all of this, was disgusted. "... Britney, what the [i]fuck?[/i]"