[@Aerandir] Well it seems like I cant stay away :) And you have [@Chiro] to thanks for that, because after reading that song, I couldnt think about anything else but how badly would Eva want to torture anyone who would dare to sing it :D I have made just some slight adjustments to the sheet to match the templates, but otherwise it is the same as in the original RP. [hider=Eva Gallard] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/171205/0a50e09aeb4ea50a6462eda664d8c890.png[/img][/center] [b]Race/Faction[/b]: Human/Kingdom [b]Age[/b]: 28 [b]Description[/b]: [hider=image] [img] https://i.pinimg.com/736x/bf/0c/1f/bf0c1fe62ffda881ae455e403b12bbf6--character-portraits-character-art.jpg [/img] [/hider] Eva is tall, but slouches most of the time, due to her injury. She has long red hair and captivating blue eyes. One of her legs was badly broken when she was younger and never fully healed. The injury still causes her pain, makes her limp and forces her to use a cane when walking. Eva can make herself very pretty when she wants to, which isn’t very often, mostly when attending official events in the castle. Most of the time however, she wears simple clothes and a cape, all of darker colors that help hide blood stains. [hider=image] [img] https://i.pinimg.com/originals/0b/70/c7/0b70c7de0150bb6a62a6611f98b77a5e.jpg [/img] [/hider] [b]Personality[/b]: All the pain and suffering she has to endure each day forged Eva into a tough woman. She is ruthless and unforgiving, always focused on her goal, which is identifying and capturing out all the criminals and rebels who would pose a threat to the king or the stability of the kingdom. Eva realizes it is a never ending quest, but each solved case, signed confession or a public execution brings her satisfaction and joy. She doesn’t really have any personal life, friends, not even talking about lovers. Her cold behavior drives people away from her, and if that is not enough, her title and job do the trick. She doesn’t long for company, as loving someone or having a family poses an unnecessary weakness someone can use (she would know, she uses it very often to make the suspects cooperate). [b]Class[/b]: Inquisitor [b]Motivation[/b]: Eva is all about obeying the law, under any circumstances. She truly believes that the royal family are the rightful rules of the country and is willing to do anything to preserve the status quo. [b]History[/b]: Eva was born into a lower nobility family owning some lands need Yeruse. She was raised as a noble girl, preparing to marry some wealthy and important man when she comes of age. At the age of 16, she was engaged with an important baron, a dream match for a girl of her pedigree. But all took a downturn one day when she took her horse for a ride around the city. Accompanied by two guards, she didn’t expect any trouble. In a nearby forest she got attacked by a bunch of thugs, her guards killed. Eva tried to ride away, but one of the attackers shot her horse, and while falling, one of her legs got stuck under it, bones broken and crushed. Her screams attracted attention of passing city guards, who rescued her. The attackers were all rounded up and after confessing to their crimes, they were publicly executed. Even though they were just hungry peasants, who were trying to survive, Eva took great satisfaction in watching them suffer. Her leg never healed, she cannot fully bend or straighten the knee completely, or put her full weight on it, forcing her to use a cane when walking. Her engagement was cancelled, and no new suitors were in sight. Eva’s parents were devastated, but she didn’t really care much. She became obsessed with the law, studying it day and night and then applying for a position in the inquisition. While she wouldn’t be the first woman ever to become an inquisitor, still it was very unusual, and Eva had to work hard to prove herself. Tirelessly working on every case she was given it soon became apparent, that not only she is capable of forcing confessions out of suspects, but also in determining the truth. She found a surprising satisfaction in finally being recognized for her skills instead just for her looks and family name. [b]Strengths[/b]: Loyalty, obedience, great judge of character, great deduction skills, very little compassion for other people, which makes her an excellent investigator. [b]Weakness[/b]: She has no close friends and she is feared and hated by the common people. She is distrustful about everyone. She is weak physically, her injury causes her pain when moving, some days she even needs to rely on her servants to help her out of bed before the stiff muscles loosen up a bit. [b]What is your character's greatest flaw?[/b] Enforcing the law under any circumstances, no matter how crazy the law might be. [/hider] [hider=The Royal Inquisition] [center] [color=ed1c24][b]Name:[/b][/color] The Royal Inquisition [color=ed1c24][b]Race/Faction:[/b][/color] The Kingdom of Tricaelia [b][color=ed1c24]Age: [/color][/b] As old as the kingdom itself [b][color=ed1c24]Description:[/color][/b] The Royal Inquisition is (along with the soldiers and town militias) the king’s tool to maintain the law. The inquisitors function as both crime investigators and judges, allowed to use any methods necessary to reach their goals. Those methods usually include kidnappings, threats to friends or family or inventive ways of torturing people. The inquisition mainly targets those who pose a threat to the king or the kingdom – rebels, agitators or just the people who would badmouth the king or sing a banned song on their way home from the inn. [b][color=ed1c24]Motivation:[/color][/b] To protect the king and the stability of the kingdom from any inside threats [b][color=ed1c24]History:[/color][/b] The inquisition’s history is tightly bound to the history of Tricaelia – the organization was founded shortly after the kingdom has been established, originally as a neutral force to investigate common crimes like theft and murder, while the judicial power was still within the hands of the local nobility. Throughout the time, the situation has changed several times, depending on the current king’s view. At some points in history, the inquisition was almost all-powerful with the authority to arrest, interrogate and sentence people, another time it was merely a small group of people scattered around the kingdom who helped the barons determine the truth in some criminal cases. Right now, during the reign of king Willum, the inquisition is going through its golden ages. Powered by ruler’s ambitions and paranoia, the funds and authorities granted to the organization are nearly endless. No one is safe from its reach. [b][color=ed1c24]Strengths: [/color][/b] Support from the king, which means a lot of funding and authorities. The inquisitors are held with respect everywhere and have power over most people. A lot of manpower. Aside from a number of newly accepted apprentices, the inquisition has several skilled, experienced and, above all, trustworthy members. [b][color=ed1c24]Weakness: [/color][/b] Feared and hated by the common folk. While this works as a strength sometimes, mostly it just means people are less likely to cooperate with them willingly. [b][color=ed1c24]What is your guild's greatest flaw? [/color][/b] Black-and-white view of the world. King’s word is the law, regardless of whether it makes sense or is it unnecessary cruel, the inquisition will always follow and punishes anyone who doesn’t. [/center] [/hider]