[hider=Just for fun - Cousin Martin - Royal rumble] [img]https://safebooru.org//images/1092/df4214620ef4e08a392c7df539e6f6711f27399d.png?1165244[/img] [i][h3]Name:[/h3] Martin Lightbringer [h3]Age:[/h3] 18 [h3]Grade:[/h3] 3rd year - Vigilantes [h3]Biography:[/h3] Martin was born to a middle class family, with nothing much or remarkable. With average gifts to boot, little Martin spent a simple but fulfilling life coddled by a loving family and a close circle of friends. Sure, there was some bullying and mocking of his feminine appearance, but his bright and optimistic personality won many of these prospective bullies. But he had a higher calling. He could do so much for people, but he needed to stop being constrained to a normal life. With his mind set, he set forth to Rhea and joined the group called the Vigilantes. They seemed a great bunch that fought for the greater future, so he put his knowledge and blessing to help the great cause. King seemed a great guy too. [h3]Powers:[/h3] [list] [*][b]Core Power: Child of Light[/b] Martin has been blessed by a benevolent God of Light and Knowledge. Martin is a child with a sharp intellect and intuition. This manifests itself in good mental skills and quick-learning abilities, as well as a sixth sense that alerts him when something is off or when he is about to be ambushed. [*][b]1st Power-Mimicry:[/b]Like his cousin, Lightbringer only needs to see a manual skill once to perfectly replicate it. This means that fighting moves and techniques will be stolen rather quickly. He can't obviously, steal the superhuman or otherworldly abilities of other fighters, but this also allows him to develop counters quicker than anyone else when exposed to new attacks. However, since he has a lack of a perfect recall ability like his cousin, his mimicry won't stick for long unless he exercises it regularly. [*][b]2nd-Power-Aura of Inspiration:[/b] Martin radiates an aura of calmness and warm feelings around this. This makes his allies less likely to be affected by fear or negative effects, and it is so potent it might make them inspired enough to overcome the pain of wounds and keep on fighting. This also makes him incredibly popular with animals and strays. And people who are into effeminate boys. [*][b]3rd-Power-Summon Hero:[/b] Martin can use is body as vessel to summon a hero from the present or the past. With an offering of a possesion or some blood from said person, Martin becomes a perfect copy for a limited amount of time of said person, complete with all of their powers, weaknesses and knowledges. However, it has some caveats. One, he needs a token offering to transform, and two, it has to be willingly given. [/list] [h3]Relationships:[/h3] Cousin Celestine: Cel, you need some professional help... I will be your friend but please stop throwing me inside dumpsters. [/i] [/hider]