Edited. Will make further changes if need be. [hider=Ekon] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190116/c15910bca52409e752cf7d4716850720.png[/img] Ekon | The Crawling Terror |Fear God [/center] [center][u]The Ugly Underbelly[/u][/center] [color=8882be]Sitting pretty, beneath a cobalt sky resides Ekon’s domain. Heavily peppered with vibrant stalks of green grass from its rolling hills to open plains. It is a seductive oasis that beckons with the inviting warmth of a yellowed orb above. Groves of trees bearing fruit stand mightily over the expanse, offering their labor to any passersby. Pools of water dotted throughout its landscape tease with the promise of relief. Even the winds smell of sweets, bidding guests to stay a little longer. Unspoiled by progress, one could almost get lost in its sheer vastness and lack of any significant landmarks. Though, idealistic it is a celluloid paradise that unravels with time, all the while exposing its guests’ deepest fears. Ekon’s sphere reveals its true self through trickery, toying with its guests like a toddler. Fields of emerald suddenly appear barren and flat, before returning to their sunnier appearance. Fresh fruit withers within seconds of being plucked, worms exploding from it shortly thereafter, only for it to vanish entirely. Old fears dead and buried, arise without provocation or reason, summoned forth by the sphere’s magic. Whether that be some horrifying creature of the victim’s imagination, a resurfacing of a petrifying phobia, or the suppressed fear of a loved one’s imminent demise. All terrors emerge within his realm. Despite appearances, these frightful phantasms are illusions spawned from the mind. A Fitting albeit cruel reflection of a deity born to sow dread. The true face of the Fear God’s sphere is that of an uninspired wasteland, lightly seasoned with desiccated plant life. Illuminated only by the slivers of light offered by perpetually cloudy skies. The land seemingly stretches into infinity, with only a single mountain at its center. Atop its jagged crown stands a lone tower, battered by age and painted black. Its inky surface barely visible against the domain’s dimly backdrop. From this rotted construct, the infantile Fear God rules over his empty kingdom. It should be noted that Ekon is not tied to his terrible sanctuary, it simply mimics him much like the “homes” of his fellow god’s imitate them. Though, his realm is not entirely self-contained either for its effects can be felt throughout Galbar, particularly when someone is alone. You could say his territory “bleeds” fear that seeps into Galbar’s vast landscape, saturating its inhabitants. Whether it be a familiar “cry” from a darkened cave or the glimpse of some horrible thing in the dark. Travelers emotions will race when they find themselves lost, ever heightened by an unseen forcing tugging at their heartstrings. Indeed, even those outside of the realm are not free from its taint. [Center][color=000000]Borders:[/color][/Center] Sandwiched betwixt The Palace of Dreams and Sheol, Ekon’s hideaway is buried far beneath the rock and soil of Galbar. Due to its infectious quality, The Ugly Underbelly poisons its surrounding with terror. By that same token this very trait also makes it vulnerable to the tampering of its neighboring realm. Of the two spheres Ekon's shares his closest connections with the demon realm. United by an elaborate tunnel system, The Underbelly is also home to the things that make up Sheol. [/color] [Center]Lower Chthonic[/Center] [center][u]Fear[/u][/center] [color=8882be]Before Ekon, mortal hearts weep with dread. King and peasant alike falter, driven to their knees by an ever-escalating horror they cannot fathom. Knights clad in iron wielding weapons of steel shiver and shake, their armaments rendered useless. Childhood dreads long since conquered, return with a renewed potency. Phobias manifest, terrorizing the innocent and guilty alike for fear cares not for the morality of men, only to spread endlessly across creation. Even titanic monsters of supernatural ancestry cower before dread’s might. Terrible though this emotion may be, it can also be harnessed for a person’s betterment. In fact, if someone is willing, they can master their fear, reshaping it to temper their ego. Nevertheless, fear is inescapable, and no matter how hard mortals try they can never outrun it. Chief amongst Ekon’s power is his ability to rip the fear from a creature’s soul, granting it a new existence. As a corporeal entity freshly realized, the horror lives to torment its former host. Controlled by the Fear God’s will alone, he derives pleasure from the agony he inflicts upon others through their “demons.” Unlike his domain where the manifestation is, but an illusion these creations are tangible, though limited in their lifespan.[/color] [center][u]Neutral Evil[/u][/center] [color=8882be] Despite his mantle of godhood, it is beneath Ekon to flaunt terror’s majesty. Instead, he prefers a subtle approach, by guiding his victims into the maws of despair. Aware that mortals are ambitious beasts, he implores them to delve further until they are ensnared. He delights in the madness that results from a people gripped by fear, and his actions demonstrate this. Through his manipulations, he cultivates and terrifies, not only exploiting man’s fear of the unknown but themselves. It is to the people that harness their dread that Ekon considers the greatest prey. Humility, humor, and, charm are Ekon’s chosen masks, robbing most of whatever suspicions he invites. Honeyed words and a relaxed demeanor take the place of the monster expected from one such as he. A short-lived, but observant God experience has instilled within him, the virtues of deception and patience. Rarely will an ill word slip his lips, opting instead for a cooperative and friendly demeanor. Ever the schemer he knows that mortal and god alike is a more compliant beast when greeted with a smile. Even challenges to his existence are greeted with a bizarre enthusiasm. Aware that conflict breeds turmoil and simply feeds into his desire to spread terror. When he isn’t seeding the world with fear, Ekon is an extroverted soul that actively seeks out others. Largely driven by a mixture of boredom and curiosity, the unlikely fear god is drawn to the goings on of his “family”. Much like a child he is always curious about the various plots and activities of other gods. This is especially true for gods whose agendas are compatible with his own. If he is enthusiastic enough about a scheme he will happily throw himself into it. Rage does not come natural to Ekon, but when it does it arises in explosions. It is at these points that Ekon’s true nature emerge, and he seems most fitting of his title. What brings about these “tantrums” are the usual clichés, conflicts settled through peace and bravery in the face of absolute terror. Like the typical schemer he becomes undone when his plans are. [/color] [center]Appearance/Form:[/center] [hider= Ekon] [img]https://i.imgur.com/TB5hrA4.jpg[/img][/hider] [center][u]Musical Theme:[/u][/center] [hider=Ekon][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIBzCDyA_bo[/youtube][/hider] [hider=The Ugly Underbelly] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebC0mqMo6Gs[/youtube] [/hider] Entropic, entropic [/hider]