[@ZAVAZggg] I think it really depends. A Portfolio should be more specific while Clusters should be more widespread, what would be a Cluster in which Innovation could fall into? To me, it feels more like a cluster material. Also, in your profile you kinda mentioned not liking rules and regulations, which has a bit of a history of being one of the most regulated aspects of Divinus, considering players kinda want to experience eras such as the stone age or the bronze age and in the last one, Mk2, we had a bit of an issue with a player advancing a civilization way too fast. Though the areas related to crafting and technology are indeed very free, there are not many whose purpose is to advance civilization, versus three gods who want to inhibit it for the sake of the wildlands. Kho has already talked about CSs, and you can also skim over a bit of [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/91565-mid-high-casual-divinus-the-deity-roleplay-mk-ii/ic?page=32]Mk2 [/url]to get a feel. I would also suggest, if you are interested in joining, to already start making a draft of a CS for when some GM shows up, so its easier for them to judge what sort of idea you are going for.