[h2]Abigail Williams[/h2] Abigail paused for a moment. The lady who had been trying to speak to her before the fight was talking to her again. She was being nice... and oddly enough, after fighting, the little blonde girl somehow felt a bit more confident. Maybe this was some sort of special singularity? But if that was the case, where was her Master? And how had they been brought here when they'd been going out, without reyshifting? It didn't make much sense, but that had to be the case, didn't it? It certainly didn't seem to be a Lostbelt. So it had to be a singularity. That was the only answer she could think of. "... My name is Abigail," the small girl introduced herself, finally, "Abigail Williams. But... um... there's something else going on here..." She looked around, to confirm what she saw. Not even those who had been attacked were injured, they were back on their feet, leaving the area or talking amongst one another as if nothing had happened. This left only one answer in Abigail's mind. There was only one thing that could have happened. When the man who had helped fight the strange shadow woman asked, Abigail felt as confident as she ever could in her answer. "I think time was reversed," she responded, "But... not for us! For everyone else... and for this place too! Um.. er... I know about these things, so..." She trailed off. Was it a good idea to tell these people more? They had powers, but she wasn't sure if they were Servants. The man certainly didn't seem to be. [@PKMNB0Y][@TheFake]