Ah, the long awaited IC is drifting closer. But first I've got to get two more quick reviews out of the way. [@Not Fishing] for Kalmar [hider] There's still some more work to be done here. The IC will likely go up before you get accepted, but provided you don't dither, I think it's still quite possible for you to get accepted in time to do things on turn 1. First and foremost, I've said over and over that you need to read the OP thoroughly. We see several telling indicators that you haven't. You need to read this material yourself and not expect us to spoon feed you everything over Discord conversation. This alone is cause for rejection; however, I'll still address the contents of your sheet. The Portfolio is good. Note that all gods can talk to animals as that's among their baseline powers; again, it's the small details like your acting like that's not the case which makes us suspect you haven't read the OP nearly thoroughly enough. Your Sphere certainly has an interesting and important effect, which makes it passable. I particularly like the shifting nature of the climates. We'd like to see more about natural connections to different Spheres, and also for the Hunting Grounds to have some more details than just that it's close to the Purlieu, because surely the two would interact somehow, right? There's a lot of untapped potential there. The persona makes sense and I'm quite pleased with how you've given him a few ambitions. It's especially interesting that he doesn't condone the killing of one's one species (So he's against murder? How would that tie in to the likes of Narzhak and war?) and how the thought has crossed his mind to potentially test himself against the Architect. BBeast did have one remark, though, "...one thing that's missing is his mannerisms. We can infer the stances he takes on issues, but we don't know what he is like to meet in person. I'd like to know what he is like to interact with in person." So looking back over this, the sheet's pretty good overall. You've certainly improved it a lot since the first version. Still rejected for now because we remain suspicious that you haven't read the OP. [/hider] [@LokiLeo789] for Enolyc [hider] Exemplary sheet! Approved.[/hider] [quote=@ZAVAZggg] So is the universe being created from scratch again, or will the RP take place in an age closer to stone or bronze? Just curious for when I start fleshing out my demigod CS. [/quote] The universe is being created from scratch. The OP makes that part (and many others) quite clear, so read it thoroughly when you have the time.