Well, it's not as high-quality as some of my others, but I'll put something here. [hider=Trevor's Portfolio] Name: Trevor Smithee Species: Charmander Age: 29 Appearance: Trevor is not QUITE an average charmander in appearance, as, first of all, he's a bit chubby. Secondly, for some unknown reason, he has black stripes on his body, specifically, on his back, as well as the top of his tail, and on his snout, as well. Thirdly, He's lacking a fire on the end of his tail... for some reason, it just won't ignite... now, this isn't to say that he's resistant to water moves, but he won't die from rain, or just taking a swim. Finally, his eyes are brown instead of blue. Other than those four things, he looks like a normal charmander. History: As a kid, Trevor was always a nerd, and usually picked on for liking video games so much. He was also one of the only nerds in his schools that could, or would, fight back, and if he didn't always change schools, he's certain that he would have been left alone by the bullies after one year, max. At first, he didn't think he had a problem, however, in the seventh grade, he kind of... snapped. That was it, he was done, and he blacked out, only for the last thing he saw being kids either running from him, or otherwise trying to get out of his way. To this day, he doesn't remember why he snapped, or who his beef was with, but he has since worked to get rid of that anger. Thankfully, after that, nobody really wanted to pick on him, anymore, and he went through the rest of middle and high school with as few issues as possible. Sure, there was the occasional name, or someone laughing at, or with him, but Trevor just didn't really care at that time, and heck, sometimes, he'd laugh with them, even if they were laughing at him. One thing that he did in high school, as well as middle and elementary, though, was play video games, which, of course, still included pokemon. He didn't care if he was supposedly 'too old' to be a fan, he liked the games, so, of course he'd keep playing them... and yes, he's also very familiar with the entire Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series. To summarize, Trevor didn't really do much in the other world, but one of the things he DID do was play pokemon... A LOT. He grew up with the originals, and has, since then, memorized the type of all pokemon, abilities of most pokemon, and type weaknesses of all pokemon, as well. Trevor did go to college to try to get a degree in computer programming, but he never really finished it, unfortunately, and since he was going to make his own game after getting said degree, that never happened, either. At some point during college, Trevor just passed out after pulling his third all-nighter in a row to try to get some of his homework done... and that's when he found himself here. [/hider] [hider=Trevor's Log] Moves: - Scratch - Growl Health: Full Health, if tired Status: Tired Ability: Blaze (increases fire-type moves when severely damaged) Quest: To make the first guild in this pokemon-only, yet guildess world. [/hider] If you'd like me to redo parts of it because of its poor quality, I'd understand.