[h2]Sumi[/h2] "Perfect." Sumi had a huge grin on her face. "Now the perfect quest team." She said tapping her chin. She glanced over the couple of Giselle's with their hands raised and ignored them. It was like a sports event. "All right Astrid, Alexander, Katalina, Hannah, Christopher and Kade." Kade raised an eyebrow his hand wasn't even raised. "What we need 'adult' supervision?" Sumi shrugged. There was a collective groan from every other kid Sumi didn't pick. Eleanore seemed to be able to sooth all the roughed feathers with a simple wave of her hand. "Very well Sumi. This will be nothing like the trip to save you though. You'll be passing through serious dangerous areas. And the group will be lacking the sugar transport beads you required last time." "That is true," Sumi said turning around to face Eleanore. "But does the index line even have sugar?" Kade sighed. "No. We need to go into the in-between to get there." Kade seemed unhappy about the prospect of going to the 'in-between'.