Joe awoke in his sparsely decorated apartment. He stretched and let out a soft yawn as he took a look at the time, a little after one o'clock. He had been up late getting into the city and unpacking well into the night. He looked around at the scattered boxes still littering his room. School books and clothing, primarily. He got up and stretched, heading into the bathroom after grabbing the toiletries he had set aside before he had passed out, along with some clothing he had set aside. The apartment he had gotten was a small studio that was part of the campus' housing. It wasn't anything grand, but it was his, and his alone. No roommates, no one to bother him. He could do as he pleased, so long as he didn't damage or outright destroy the apartment of course. He walked into the bathroom, his bare feet against the cold off white tiles. He set his clothing on top of the toilet's lid, along with his towel, set his showering supplies within the shower, and set the rest next to his sink. He leaned in, turned on the shower, and waited for it to get to the right temperature before stripping down and stepping inside. He took a deep breath and placed his head against the slowly warming tiles of the shower. After enjoying the warm water against his skin, he quickly washed his hair and body, turned off the shower, grabbed the towel hanging out, and began drying off. Once he had fully dried off, he applied his deodorant, slipped on his socks, underwear, a pair of black jeans, a black t-shirt, and a white long sleeve button down. He finally grabbed a pendant that he had set aside from the clothes, it was a pretty plain thing. A silver chain with a large tear shaped green stone. He held it and smiled fondly as he rubbed the smooth gem beneath his thumb for a moment, taking a deep breath. [color=6ecff6]"...Mom... Dad... I hope that you understand what I'm doing..."[/color] He mumbled quietly to himself, letting the pendant slip down to hang off of his chest. He left the bathroom and finally walked over to the side table where he had kept his brand new phone. He had saved up to get it, a brand new model of smart phone. He figured that since he was in such a large city now, having an updated phone with a GPS system seemed like a good idea. He noticed that he had gotten a text message while he had been sleeping. [i]"Meeting tonight. 8PM. HQ. Don't be late."[/i] Joe read the message over and over again. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest... excitement? Anxiety? He wasn't sure. But he knew that today was the day that he actually took his first steps towards his goal. No going back now. He knew where HQ was, he had gotten the address through the SMS group he was now part of. He had memorized the address and deleted the message, just to be safe. Wouldn't want people to be showing up at some top secret base or something because he lost his phone. With that in mind, he turned to the door, took a deep breath, and left his apartment. Once he reached the crowded and lively streets below, he input the address into his phone and began making his way towards the HQ. He... really hoped that they would understand his lack of magical prowess.