[hider= Pilot - Anna Mustang] [b]Name:[/b] Anna Mustang [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Image Link] [url]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/aldnoahzero/images/3/32/YukiKaiduka-front-left-back-2.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150131160135[/url] [/hider] Being an average 5’5” (165cm), Anna is a young woman with long black hair and brown eyes. She is lean and typically dresses in what would be considered business attire. [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Sex:[/b] F [b]Personality:[/b] Anna is a talker. Plain and simple. It’s really no surprise from a Denver-Vegas local like herself. She has a sharp, sarcastic wit which she prides herself on. However, she isn't entirely devoid of modesty and can demonstrate restraint when the situation calls for it. [b]Background:[/b] From the rural outskirts of Denver-Vegas, Anna was raised with a gun in one hand and shovel in the other. She was a farmer...and she hated it. Much like all those stories she’d heard as a young girl, she wanted to leave this waste of space and go somewhere where the action was. In fact, she wanted to be the action. It’s odd to think about how one can glorify murder, but a young Anna certainly did. She lived to see each and every one of those slimy law-breakers brought to slow, brutal, and pulpy justice in the Reality Games. And so, when she was old enough, she went through just about every hoop, ringer, and scheme she could to be one of those pilots. She never got the spot. When the simulations ran, she just couldn’t bring herself to kill someone in cold blood. She dreaded returning home after all this time. She’d go back empty-handed and then what? She’d sit on the couch all day? Grow more potatoes? No. She was a pilot and she had what it takes to deliver justice. She just needed a little bit of an incentive. [b]Tactical Preferences and Skills:[/b] Long-range combat Melee combat Ballistics expert [b]Notes:[/b] [hider=Theme] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XR8IifaeZIw[/url] [/hider] [u][b]NC Character Sheet[/b][/u] [b]Codename:[/b] Lug [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Image Link] [url]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-1L7zKdjIHe8/Vqg9VR6XgyI/AAAAAAAA-jA/HDpao5fwewA/s400/IMG_1380.JPG[/url] [/hider] [b]Body-type:[/b] Bipedal [b]Type of NC:[/b] Sniper [b]Equipment and Armaments:[/b] [list] [*][i][b]RX-78-05 Sniper-Rifle "Greater Liberator":[/b][/i] A large Sniper-cannon hybrid attached to directly to the Lug's right arm. It's precise as it is attention-grabbing. The Greater Liberator holds up to 3 double-drum magazines of anti-tank bullets at a time. Each magazine can hold up to 100 bullets. With options to switch from a single-target mode to a bullet-spray mode, the word "overkill" doesn't begin to describe this weapon. When firing the weapon, the gun selects which magazine to fire from. A bullet is then loaded into the firing chamber. A hammer strikes the back of the bullet igniting the chemical reactant. The bullet then travels from the chamber and through the barrel. As it does so, chemical components within the bullet itself breakdown creating an imitation plasma bolt. These fake plasma bolts hold enough power that they can melt NC armor and can travel up to 5 miles (3km). [*][i][b]Rocket Fist (Left):[/b][/i] A weapon of pure showmanship, the Rocket Fist is a rather simple weapon. It is a hand capable of flying away from the main body to give an extra-powerful robot punch. At the end of the fist sit concealed rockets. With a verbal command, the fist is shot in the desired direction toward a target. In the case of the Lug, the fist is attached to a durable 25 feet (8m) cord which allows the fist to be reloaded or used as a mace. It makes for great fanfare. [*][i][b]NT-70-19 Missile-Launchers and WH-T-1 Missiles "Destroyer And The Sweeps" (x4):[/b][/i] Mounted onto the back of the Lug sit four destroyer-class missile launchers holding missiles dubbed "The Sweeps." Named for their ability to sweep battlefields for targets, these missiles lock onto a moving object's heating signature and don't stop until their target has been hit. With enough fuel to last an hour, the best way to get rid of them fast would be to just shoot them down. While able to destroy tanks, on an NC these missiles do little more than pierce surface armor. [*][i][b] W-40-K Sonic Chain-Knife:[/b][/i] A simple tool with two toothed chains which pull in opposite directions. This "knife" is made from a synthetic, durable "meta-metal" and reinforced with carbon nanotubes. Both blades vibrate at sonic speeds as they shred through materials. It produces a high-pitched sawing noise when active, thus making a terrible weapon for stealth. [*][i][b]Meta-Metal Shell:[/b][/i] A highly effective, but cumbersome armor shell. Much like the Chain-Knife, this armor is made from a durable "meta-metal," protecting the Lug fairly well from most attacks and extremely well when engaged in melee. However, the armor has its downsides. The armor is immensely heavy, to the point of impeding the Lug's movement range as well as its speed. The armor makes what could be a decent NC and effectively makes it a wall with mounted guns. [/list] [/hider]