[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/47a888d2-9910-4b1a-bff8-05214ddc08a4.gif[/img][h1][color=fff257]Acion Nakamiji[/color][/h1][hr][/center] All reluctantly, he was locked right in his place as the pink-haired girl sat onto the bed before crawling over to him as she buried her face onto his lap. And way before she fell into her short nap, Tomoe let the rest of her reservoir flow down Acion's pant sleeves. All in all, it wasn't anything the winged man could expect. Geez. Just before he got beaten up by Dulga, Tomoe was being a lot more cheerful than this shadow of herself right now. At least to what he had brought her back to. All in a short fifteen minutes fight, it all came down to this. Happened off-screen he thought? It may very likely be Roy and Jett's fight that shook her to this. Indeed, Roy was that dude who let Tomoe clung onto her all the time. She even mentioned that he allowed this whole lap sleeping. He was her closer friend that could do it. Seeing how they were headbutting each other as the rest of the girls were screaming and crying to stop it, he knew it wasn't easy hit on her. If not for this injury, Acion would have stopped them already. He probably would proceed to talk to at least Roy about it. He was also his friend. He wanted to help. Or even if he couldn't help, he'd be there instead. It took her a bit before she actually fall asleep. And a while for Acion to get used to having a head on his leg. His breathe gradually slowed and lengthened. Each smog of air grew heavy, along with the current flow of things around. After the Shadow Clan incident, things hadn't been the same. The school had been trying to keep the information in place, but the student body had already caught heed of the news. His class at least. Things weren't the same anymore. Takeshi lost his arm. Roy being very concerned about it recently while he probably needn't mention the extent of Kaida. And even the Nakamiji siblings found it difficult to return to their normal ways anymore, knowing that there is a clan of highly trained assassins out there and there was no one to stop them. So far probably the Sky Knights were the only group they knew that were actively seeking out on them, but knowing the threats, probably that status wasn't anymore. His sister knew better though. [color=fff257]"If you need to like this, you could come anytime."[/color] He said, despite knowing Tomoe was asleep. Yeah. He wanted this. He wanted to take care of his friends, like how some had taken care of him. Even if he couldn't solve the problem, he still wanted to be there. And it wasn't just Tomoe's issues. Anyone really. He was born with six wings of an archangel. Why wouldn't he use it? He was about to let his mind drift away when suddenly Hitomi stepped in. When his expression was turned completely upside down. She was the one on the list of people Acion does not want to let see this. In fact, he probably didn't want anyone to see this at all. Publicly, this was the doomsday button that sparked a series of fire that could burn hard. The world's most deadliest conflict was caused by just several misunderstandings after all. His eyes were of a confused and nervous dog, but Hitomi didn't seem to pay attention. She instead woke Tomoe up. Her voice was a bad indicator that she was not at all happy with this sight. Tomoe woke up pretty easily, but her attitude changed in just the minutes she went to sleep. Completely opposite. The crying girl was gone, and back to the usual Tomoe. Felt like she just hit the reset button or just reloaded the previous save file or something. There was also Kenichi who witnessed, but he didn't seem to mind, or bother with the intention of gossiping what he just saw. He didn't seem like that sort of person. For the entire thing, he did not say a single thing. He didn't know what to say, or do anything aside from waving goodbye to Kenichi at the end. Up until he was alone with the sheep girl. [color=fff257]"Sorry I didn't know you have an agreement with her."[/color] He had his shoulder above his chin as his eyes glanced between her and the white bedsheet of the infirmary. [color=fff257]"I thought it was something serious."[/color] [@Silver Carrot]